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DO NOW:  What do you think of when you hear the term “pollution”?

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW:  What do you think of when you hear the term “pollution”?"— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW:  What do you think of when you hear the term “pollution”?

2 Objectives: 1) Identify types of pollution 2) Compare point and non-point pollution 3) Explain biological magnification

3 I. Pollution A. Any harmful material that enters the environment B. Pollutants may enter: 1) Land a) Chemicals b) Radiation c) Trash – non-biodegradable

4 2) Air: a) Smoke b) Burning fossil fuels c) Noise 3) Water a) Chemicals b) Oil c) Pesticides & fertilizers d) Heat

5 II. 2 main categories of pollution:

6 A. Point Pollution 1) Comes from a single source 2) Examples: Ramapough Mountain Indians Sue Ford Over Toxic Contamination BP Deepwater Horizon 2010

7 B. Non-point Pollution 1) Comes from many different sources 2) Example:

8 III. Pollutants may pose health risks: A. Irritants – eyes, breathing passageways, skin B. May cause diarrhea C. Reproductive problems D. Death

9 IV. What happens when pollutants enter an organism?  Consider food chain:

10 A. Many pollutants cannot be broken down by organisms 1) Get stored in fat 2) Over time, they build up in an organism – bioaccumulation B. As pollutants pass up the food chain, they increase - biological magnification


12 Effects on Humans  Humans have been warned to watch the amount of large predatory fish they eat  Why??

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