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Chapter 1 North America Before Columbus. I- North American Migration A. Mankind as we know it began in Africa. From Africa mankind began to migrate across.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1 North America Before Columbus. I- North American Migration A. Mankind as we know it began in Africa. From Africa mankind began to migrate across."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1 North America Before Columbus

2 I- North American Migration A. Mankind as we know it began in Africa. From Africa mankind began to migrate across the world 1. Migrate- to pass from one region or climate to another.

3 B. Tribes who followed migrating animals (food) were Nomadic. 1. Nomadic- moving from place to place instead of living in permanent villages. 2. Nomads were usually following migrating animal herds that made up their primary food source.


5 C. Ice Age Bridge. 1. 30,000 to 10,000 BC. An ice age created a crossable bridge between the continents of Asia and North America. 2. This bridge was located in the BERING STRAIT.


7 3. This frozen region was called BERINGIA. 4. Tribes living in Asia followed migrating herds across the bridge and down into north America. When the oceans rose again after the ice retreated, the Nomads were stuck here.

8 II-Native American Adaptation A. North America has a wide variety of environments

9 1. Arctic

10 2. Desert

11 3. Great Plains

12 4. Wetlands

13 5. Woodlands (forests)

14 B. Tribes of Native Americans settled across all of North America and adapted to their new environments 1. Adapt- to adjust or modify to different conditions or environments.

15 2. The native societies developed depending on the area\region they settled in 3. The region determined building materials, food sources, clothing, and culture

16 C. Inuit Natives 1. These natives live in and around the Arctic circle. 2. They use snow and ice as building materials. 3. They also use animal fat (whale blubber) as a fuel source.




20 D. Great Plains Natives 1. Remained nomads following the great buffalo herds that roamed the middle of America 2. Lived in teepee’s made of buffalo hides 3. An entire village could be packed up and ready to move in 2 hours

21 A Buffalo Herd

22 Teepee Construction

23 Pueblo Tribes



26 Muskogean Tribe

27 E. Algonquian 1. Settled in the Northeast of North America (where we live today.) 2. Hunted deer and other forest game. 3. Used wood for shelter materials 4. Spent their summers at the Jersey Shore


29 Algonquian Longhouse

30 Algonquian


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