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+ Macromolecules of BioChemistry Organic Compounds.

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1 + Macromolecules of BioChemistry Organic Compounds

2 + 4 Important Macromolecules Macromolecule is a molecule that contains a large number of atoms The 4 important macromolecules Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids

3 + Carbohydrates

4 + Why are carbohydrates so important? Short Term Energy Structure (cell walls of plants & exoskeletons of insects) Carbohydrates are made up of Monomer: Monosaccharide (single sugar) Disaccharide (double sugar) Polysaccharide (many sugars)

5 + Carbohydrates 5 carbon sugar Simple sugars: sucrose and cellulose Complex sugars: Lactose and Maltose Monosaccharide = 1 sugar Disaccharide = 2 sugars Polysaccharide = many sugars Remember Sugars end in -ose

6 + Carbohydrates Polysaccharide Many sugars Cellulose –makes up cell walls of plant cells Humans cannot digest cellulose

7 + Lipids

8 + Why are Lipids important? Long term energy storage Insulates body Cushions body organs Makes up the cell membrane Monomer: Lipids are made up of Triglyceride Glycerol + 3 fatty acids

9 + Lipids Saturated fats (solid at room temperature) Single bonds butter and any other animal fat Unsaturated fats ( liquid at room temperature) Double bonds Oils such as fish oil, vegetable oil, olive oil (plant fat) Plants produce a wax on the outside of their leaves to prevent water loss

10 + Protein

11 + Why are proteins important? Transport O 2 Growth & Repair (build muscles & bones) Enzymes Receptors (cell membrane) Defense (antibodies) Muscle Tissue, Tendons, Ligaments (connective tissue) Monomer: Made up of 20 Amino Acids The arrangement of amino acids determines the protein

12 + Protein Examples of Proteins: Hemoglobin Collagen Catalase Antibodies Keratin (hair & nails) Actin /Myosin (muscles)

13 + Enzymes Speed up a chemical reaction by lower the activation energy Only function at certain temperatures Very specific to what they will fit Can be reused over and over again

14 + Nucleic Acids

15 + Why are Nucleic Acids important? Instructions for making proteins Genetic information is passed from parent to offspring Monomer: Made up of Nucleotides (3 parts) 5-carbon sugar Phosphate group Nitrogen Base 2 types of Nucleic Acids DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid RNA – ribonucleic acid

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