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Opening Splash Begin Credits $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 TheWorstMistakeUrbanSprawlGodWho?EmpiresTransportWhat’sCookin’Lucy? Title ScreenTitle Screen.

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2 Opening Splash Begin Credits

3 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 TheWorstMistakeUrbanSprawlGodWho?EmpiresTransportWhat’sCookin’Lucy? Title ScreenTitle Screen

4 C1-$100 Lucy- $100 Name the oldest human found. Lucy

5 C1-$200 Lucy -$200 What did Paleolithic people do that changed the face of the planet? (Hint: this is a theme of the class) Migrate

6 C1-$300 Lucy- $300 Describe the mass migration patterns of humans during the paleolithic period. From East Africa to Eurasia, Australia and the Americas

7 C1-$400 Lucy- $400 What sort of economic structure did Paleolithic people have? Egalitarian, hunting and gathering

8 C1-$500 Lucy- $500 Choose a theme and explain how the paleolithic age fits it. 1. Interaction between humans and the environment 2. Development and interaction of cultures 3. State-building, expansion, and conflict 4. Creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems 5. Development and transformation of social structures.

9 C2-$100 Mistake - $100 The agricultural revolution is also called what? The Neolithic Revolution

10 C2-$200 Mistake- $200 What is Pastoralism and where would you have found it? Raising animals and the grasslands of Afro-Eurasia

11 C2-$300 Mistake- $300 Pastoralism and agriculture led to what? Which resulted in? Abundant food supplies, population growth

12 C2-$400 Mistake- $400 Surpluses of food and other goods led to what? (give two examples) Specialization of labor – artisans, warriors and elites

13 C2-$500 Mistake- $500 List four things that were improved when it comes to agricultural production, trade, and transportation? Pottery, plows, woven textiles, metallurgy, wheels and wheeled vehicles

14 C3-$100 Urban - $100 Where are the Chavin people located? Andean South America

15 C3-$200 Urban- $200 What made the Hittites so powerful? Access to Iron

16 C3-$300 Urban- $300 Name two new modes of transportation in period 1. Chariots, Horseback riding

17 C3-$400 Urban- $400 What was important about ziggurats, pyramids, temples, streets and roads and sewage and water systems? All are examples of early monumental architecture and urban planning

18 C3-$500 Working - $500 In order to develop a trading system what did city-states need to have? Record keeping, government, education, literature, goods to share…

19 C4-$100 God - $100 Sanskrit led to the Vedic religions where was later renamed? Hinduism

20 C3-200 God - $200 This religion started in India, spread through Asia and was created to help explain the intense suffering people felt. Name this religion. Buddhism

21 C3-$300 God - $300 Name two regions in Period 2 that developed distinctive architectural styles. India, Greece, the Roman Empire, and Mesoamerica

22 C3-$400 God - $400 Give an example of artistic expression in literature and drama that showed distinctive cultural developments in period 2. Greek plays, and Indian epics

23 C3-$500 God - $500 Name two things that were influenced by Daoism in Chinese culture. Medical theories and practices, poetry, metallurgy, and architecture.

24 C4-$100 Empires - $100 What empire(s) developed in South Asia? Maurya and Gupta

25 C4-$200 Empires - $200 What are two ways that Empires and states changed when it came to government? Centralized governments, legal systems, bureaucracies

26 C4-$300 Empires - $300 How did imperial governments project military power over large areas (two ways)? Diplomacy, supply lines, fortifications, local military officers and soldiers

27 C4-$400 Empires - $400 Name three examples of the different versions of the Persian Empire. Achaemenid, Parthian, and Sassanid

28 C4-$500 Empires - $500 Name four cities that grew during Period 2 Persepolis, Chang’an, Pataliputra, Athens, Carthage, Rome, Alexandria, Constantinople, and Teotihuacan

29 C4-$100 Transport - $100 Why are the Yoke, saddle, and stirrups important items in period 2? Allowed the use of domesticated pack animals to transport goods across longer routes.

30 C4-$200 Transport - $200 What is the Qanat system? ancient type of water-supply system. taps underground mountain water sources trapped in and beneath the upper reaches of alluvial fans and channels the water downhill through a series of gently sloping tunnels, often several kilometers long, to the places where it is needed for irrigation and domestic use.

31 C4-$300 Transport - $300 Name two empires that declined in part due to diseases. Romans and Chinese

32 C4-$400 Transport - $400 What two new maritime technologies along with monsoon winds stimulated trade from East Africa to East Asia? Lateen sails and Dhow ships

33 C4-$500 Transport - $500 What three religions change and transform as they travel along the trade routes during Period 2? Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism

34 C5-$100 Credits: This version by Jim Trumps, Instructional Technology Teacher, Palmdale High School PowerPoint idea by Dr. Antonio Castellanos, PHS Medical Magnet Based on the original Jeopardy game show (no affiliation) To print score card, quit game, scroll to the last slide, from the “File” menu select “Print,” and chose “current slide.”

35 Score Card Team OneTeam TwoTeam Three

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