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Global History Review Development of Empire Tang and Song Chinese Dynasties Mali, Ghana and Songhai West African Kingdoms.

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Presentation on theme: "Global History Review Development of Empire Tang and Song Chinese Dynasties Mali, Ghana and Songhai West African Kingdoms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global History Review Development of Empire Tang and Song Chinese Dynasties Mali, Ghana and Songhai West African Kingdoms

2 Tang Dynasty (618-907) Rise of the Tang Li Yuan, a general in the Sui Army, seized the capital city of Chang’an and proclaimed himself the New Emperor. His Son, Li Shimin soon took over and assumed the name Tang Taizong, the Grand Emperor Tang launched a program of internal renewal and external expansion that would make it one of the greatest dynasties in Chinese history!

3 Tang Dynasty (618-918) Political Three Keys to success 1. 1.Maintenance of transportation and communication networks 2. 2.Reliance on a bureaucracy based on merit, a meritocracy using the civil service exams 3. 3.Revival of Han Confucianism: Created a foundation for stability and prosperity for the Chinese people

4 Tang Dynasty (618-918) Empress Wu – (649-705) Wu Zetian became the first and only woman to be Emperor – supported Buddhism. Began a campaign to elevate the position of women. Said that the ideal ruler was one who ruled like a mother does over her children. Meritocracy - Civil Service exams- best people ran the government and were treated fairly. Reduced the army's size and stopped the influence of aristocratic military men. Fairness to peasants- lowering taxes, raising agricultural production, and strengthening public works. How did Empress Wu challenge the traditions of Confucianism?

5 Expansion of the Tang Dynasty Territorially, the Tang Empire ranks among the largest in Chinese history

6 Economic System: Canals: Grand Canal connected Yellow River and Yangtze River. Allowed grains in south to be shipped to north. Expanded Trade: Tang merchants traded with India, Persia, and the Middle East. Chinese became expert shipbuilders and a naval power. This led to a huge influx of precious metal into China – a trend that would continue until the 19 th century. Land Reform – Equal-field system, redistributed land to peasants. Chang’an (Xian) had a population of over 1 million people making it one of if not the largest city in the world. Tang Dynasty (618-918)

7 The game of Polo was imported from Persia.

8 Buddhist Carvings along the Silk Route by Tang Artists.

9 The Golden Age Artistic, Technological and Industrial Developments Gunpowder and Rockets Moveable Type Chinese junks Porcelain - Chinaware Landscape art

10 ► Other reasons for decline  Equal land system breaks down  Persecution of Buddhism  Poor attention to canal & irrigation systems  Nomadic alliances and attacks Decline of the Tang Dynasty Emperor Xuanzong ( Empress Wu’s grandson) Ruled for 44 years Patron of arts Began to neglect the people and engaged in pleasure seeking lifestyle Decline due to lack of morality? Government corruption He was forced to abdicate his power

11 Song Dynasty (960-1279) The Rainbow Bridge Political System: Song Taizu united much of the former Tang Dynasty Moved capital to Huangzhou in the south Centralized government, limited the military, and expanded the Bureaucracy, offered many political positions with generous salaries Civil Service Exams Used Neo-Confucianism as basis of political system

12 Song Dynasty (960-1279) Economic System: Rise of the Merchant The basic unit of payment was copper coins strung on a string, but these were heavy and cumbersome for use in large- scale transactions. The Song solution was to print paper money Rural markets, as well as cities and towns, facilitated the exchange of goods and services. International maritime trade also flourished during this time. Quanzhou in the Fujian region became a major center of trade with Southeast and South Asia, as well as with Korea and Japan. Paper Money

13 Achievements New developments in rice cultivation, especially the introduction of new strains from what is now Central Vietnam, spectacularly increased rice yields. As a result the population, which had never before exceeded 60 million, grew to 100 million by 1127. Led to Urbanization. Shaped Korea, Vietnam, and Japan Footbinding is a tradition that evolved in the concept of "ideal image" including beauty. It was considered charming, showed a sense of class, and was the symbol of chastity in most Chinese cultures. It was believed to promote health and fertility, although in the reality the tradition was painful and virtually crippling. It was a way to keep women in seclusion, which made them more dependent on others and less useful around the house.

14 An imperial Confucius Temple in modern Hangzhou The government began an expensive and massive project to restore Confucian temples around the empire – was responsibility of local population.

15 North & Southern Song

16 ► Scholar-gentry class dominates ► abuses in civil service exam develop ► Heavy dependence on growth of civilian government at expense of military  By 1127, the Song court could not push back the Northern nomadic invaders  Surrounded by north ‘empires’ (Jurchin’) ► Invasion of Mongols from North 1279  Start of Yuan (Mongol Dynasty) Decline of the Song

17 West African Empires

18 The Empire of Ghana 750-1076 Political: Led by powerful King who ruled over a splendid court Capital city was Kumbi Saleh Had a large army of foot soldiers and cavalry – helped to expand kingdom

19 The Empire of Ghana Economic System ► Commercially based empire. Gold-Salt Trade ► Controlled and secured trade routes.  Also traded in ivory, slaves, horses, cloth, salt. ► Conversion by emperors to Islam improved diplomatic and economic relations between West Africa and the Islamic World.

20 The Empire of Ghana Achievements ► Influenced by Muslims:  Military technology  Arabic writing  Architecture ► Women had a high status and active role in market place

21 The Mali Empire 1100-1400

22 Mali Empire Political: ► ► Ruled by powerful kings called Mansas. ► ► Expanded territory and appointed governors to rule areas ► ► Laws based on Muslim system of justice (The Quran) ► ► Mansa Musa: Most powerful leader, converted to Islam and made pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj)


24 Mali Empire Economic: ► ► Controlled Gold Salt Trade: ► ► Its wide variety of environments produced a wide variety of goods. ► ► The rule of the Mansa (king) created peace and security for merchants to travel and trade freely. ► ► As a result, merchants began to establish family firms, with different individuals settling in far-flung parts of the Mali empire to carry on trade. ► ► Common items of exchange were kola nuts, butter, textiles and metal goods.

25 Mali Empire Achievements: ► ► Developed the city of Timbuktu which became a great trading city and center of Muslim learning. ► ► Conversion to Islam and Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage to Mecca brought world wide attention to West Africa ► ► Made the need of a large population and a large army a permanent necessity for states in West Africa.

26 Songhai Empire Political: ► ► Sunni Ali- 1464 gained power and restored order ► ► Powerful army used war and force to control region ► ► Askia Muhammad- great leader who made pilgrimage to Mecca ► ► Organized provinces and created a bureaucracy ► ► Developed a code of laws based on Islam

27 Songhai Empire Economic: ► ► Controlled Gold Salt trade ► ► Industrious farmers and skilled craftsmen in iron and copper ► ► Slave trade developed ► ► Merchants became very wealthy and influential ► ► Timbuktu remained a major economic and cultural city Djenne Mosque

28 Songhai Empire Achievements: ► ► Encouraged Muslim Scholars to settle in Timbuktu ► ► Timbuktu became a cultural and learning center ► ► University of Sankore - study of medicine, grammar, literature ► ► Expanded empire with the use of force

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