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50 words in connection with The American Revolution.

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2 50 words in connection with The American Revolution

3 The belief that measures should be taken to end slavery Bruce Springsteen Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-1988-0719-38 / Uhlemann, Thomas / CC-BY- SA

4 Abolitionism

5 A system in which one person— usually a king or queen—rules without any kind of restrictions on his or her actions

6 Absolutism

7 Loyalty to king, country, or a cause

8 Allegiance

9 An agreement among the thirteen original states, approved in 1781, that provided a loose form of government before the present Constitution went into effect in 1789

10 Articles of Confederation

11 One of the names used by the colonies for their lawmaking bodies

12 Assemblies

13 A encounter between British troops and townspeople in Boston in 1770, before the Revolutionary Wa.r The British fired into a crowd and five Americans were killed

14 Boston Tea Party

15 A refusal to buy, sell, or use certain products from a particular company or country, usually for a political reason

16 Boycott

17 An old term for members of the British Parliament; the lawmaking body of colonial Virginia called itself the House of Burgesses

18 Burgesses

19 The British name for the Intolerable Acts

20 Coercive Acts

21 The extension of the power of a nation beyond its own borders

22 Colonialism

23 Territories that are settled by emigrants from a distant land that remain subject to or closely connected with the parent country

24 Colonies

25 A group of states united for a common purpose

26 Confederation

27 People who wish to preserve society's existing institutions

28 Conservatives

29 The army of American colonists formed during the American Revolution

30 Continental army

31 An assembly of delegates from the American colonies (later states) that governed before and during the Revolutionary War and under the Articles of Confederation

32 Continental Congress

33 The document establishing the United States as a nation, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776

34 Declaration of Independence

35 A system of government in which power belongs to the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives

36 Democracy

37 Taxes on imported or exported goods

38 Duties

39 One who supports a strong central government instead of a loose organization of states

40 Federalist

41 A general name for male American patriots during the Revolutionary War, especially the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the drafters of the Constitution

42 Founding Fathers

43 A series of military battles between Great Britain and France (and France's Native American allies) that took place on the American frontier and in Canada between 1754 and 1763

44 French and Indian War

45 An event lasting from 1789 to 1799 that ended the thousand-year rule of kings in France and established France as a republic

46 French Revolution

47 German soldiers hired by King George III to fight for the British during the American Revolution. Many came from Hesse-Cassel, and, as a result, all German soldiers were called like that

48 Hessians

49 Four laws passed by the British government in 1774 to punish Boston for the Boston Tea Party

50 Intolerable Acts

51 Colonists who remained loyal to England during the Revolution; also known as Tories

52 Loyalists

53 Soldiers for hire

54 Mercenaries

55 A military force consisting of citizens rather than professional soldiers

56 Militia

57 Armed American citizens (nonmilitary) who promised to be ready to fight alongside regular soldiers at a moment's notice

58 Minutemen

59 Rule by a king or queen

60 Monarchy

61 A type of shoulder gun that shoots bullets resembling balls

62 Musket

63 Not committed to either side of an issue

64 Neutral

65 The region in the northeastern United States that includes present- day Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. The name was probably given by English explorer John Smith, one of the original settlers of Jamestown, Virginia (1607), because the region resembled the coast of England

66 New England

67 A European term for North and South America

68 New World

69 A person who loves, supports, and defends his country

70 Patriot

71 A formal document making a request

72 Petition

73 A sailor on a privately owned ship who is authorized by the government to attack and capture enemy vessels

74 Privateer

75 Biased or distorted information spread by persons who wish to present only their point of view and thus further their own cause

76 Propaganda

77 A member of the Religious Society of Friends, which oppose all violence and warfare

78 Quaker

79 A person who favors revolutionary changes in a nation's political structure

80 Radical

81 A person who resists or defies ruling authority

82 Rebel

83 British soldiers, who wore red uniforms

84 Redcoats

85 A sudden political overthrow; a forcible substitution of rulers

86 Revolution

87 The conflict lasting from 1775 to 1783 in which American colonists gained independence from British rule

88 Revolutionary War

89 Acts or language leading to rebellion

90 Sedition

91 A law passed by the British government in 1765 that required the payment of a tax to Great Britain on papers and documents produced in the colonies

92 Stamp Act

93 The colonies that made up the original United States upon the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776: Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia

94 Thirteen Colonies

95 Colonists who remained loyal to England during the Revolution; also called Loyalists

96 Tories

97 Laws passed by the British government in 1767. They included a Quartering Act, which ordered the colonies to house British troops, and a Revenue Act, which called for taxes on lead, glass, paint, tea, and other items

98 Townshend Acts

99 Betrayal of king and country

100 Treason

101 Absolute power, especially power exercised cruelly or unjustly

102 Tyranny

103 Once a nickname for people from the New England colonies, the word is now applied to anyone from the United States

104 Yankee

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