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There is a house with four walls. Each of these walls has one window, all of these windows face south. One day a bear walks past one of these windows.

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Presentation on theme: "There is a house with four walls. Each of these walls has one window, all of these windows face south. One day a bear walks past one of these windows."— Presentation transcript:

1 There is a house with four walls. Each of these walls has one window, all of these windows face south. One day a bear walks past one of these windows. What color is the bear and why? Please read and copy down the riddle. First to answer correctly wins a free home work pass!!

2 In olden days you are a clever theif charged with treason against the king and sentenced to death. But the king decided to be a little lenient and lets you choose your own way to die. What way should you choose? Remember, you're clever! Please read and copy down the riddle. First to answer correctly wins a free summer long bowling pass!!

3  Examine how political parties formed throughout U.S. history  Differentiate between the two major political parties

4  Next test will be on Tuesday, 12.4 (covering 8-3, 8-4)  School Dance on Thursday, 12.6 (2 dollars and no office referrals)

5 Bell ringer Political Party Timeline Review for test on Tuesday Timeline

6 Constitution says Nothing about Political parties; ----- even Warned against them Hamilton favored A strong ----- ----- ; Jefferson did not The ----- (who sided with Hamilton) faded Away First political Parties rose from Disagreements Between ----- And ----- Democrat Party (sided with Jefferson) grew Stronger under ----- Republican Party Is formed in 1854 To oppose slavery; ----- is first President Elected in 1860 Roots of the Two Party System (pg 218-219)

7 Please copy the question (10). Please have planner on your table for me to sign. 1.What are political parties? 2.Why did George Washington not want political parties to form? 3.What are the basic differences of views between Jefferson and Hamilton regarding how government should operate? 4.Which party was founded in opposition to slavery? 5.In what way have third parties been influential in U.S. politics?

8 6.Why do single issue parties form? 7.What is the goal of ideological parties? 8.Which countries have a multiparty system? 9.Why do the two major parties seem so similar? 10.What is the difference between a platform and a plank? Please copy the question (10). Please have planner on your table for me to sign.

9  Examine how political parties formed throughout U.S. history  Differentiate between the two major political parties

10  Next test will be on Tuesday, 12.4 (covering 8-3, 8-4)  School Dance on Thursday, 12.6 (2 dollars and no office referrals)

11 Bell ringer Four Column Chart – Third Parties Ch. 9 Word Search Four Column Chart HWK – Complete Word Search

12 Third Parties Single-Issue Parties Ideological Parties Independent Candidates A party that runs Not to win but to Call attention to an --------- ---------- Party Drew attention to Dangers of alcohol Usually do not last That long Candidates who Do not win their Nomination Sometimes run as ----------- 3 rd parties rarely win Due to lack of name Recognition and Trouble raising -------------- Focus on changing --------- in a major Way ------------- Party Supports govt. Ownership of farms Factories, etc Libertarians want to Cut ------------ & Increase freedoms Populists and Progressives Populist party of 1890’s included Farmers & Laborers who Fought for ------ Bull Moose Party Led by TR played A spoiler role By taking votes From Wilson in ----------

13 Please copy questions (5). Turn to page 228. Use chart to answer 5 questions. Have planner on table for me to sign 1.Which of the candidates listed was most successful in gathering popular votes? 2.In 1948, Strom Thurmond represented which political party? 3.Who is the only person to represent the Green Party in a presidential election? 4.Which two people on this list twice represented third parties in presidential elections? 5.How many popular votes did the Socialist Labor party candidate win in 1964?


15  Examine how political parties formed throughout U.S. history  Differentiate between the two major political parties

16  Next test will be on Tuesday, 12.4 (covering 8-3, 8-4)  School Dance on Thursday, 12.6 (2 dollars and no office referrals)

17 Bell ringer Venn Diagram Comparing Democrats and Republicans Test on 8-3, 8-4 HWK – Complete GR 9-1

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