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This week’s theme is: ANGER: Strong Feeling of Displeasure Aroused by Wrongs.

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Presentation on theme: "This week’s theme is: ANGER: Strong Feeling of Displeasure Aroused by Wrongs."— Presentation transcript:

1 This week’s theme is: ANGER: Strong Feeling of Displeasure Aroused by Wrongs

2 9/24 Keystone – Reading & Math On warm-up sheet, first block from top/left, do the activity that follows for today (copy problem). DATE YOUR BOX. Non-dated entries will not be scored. You must do the whole activity to earn a point. Turn your warm-up sheets on the last week day. Keep them until then. Maximum score: 1pt per entry/ 5 pts per week

3 Copy the following words and their definitions. Animosity- a feeling or spirit of hostility and resentment Fury- rage; violent anger (infuriated) Indignation- anger at unfairness (indignant)

4 Copy the following words and their definitions. Resentment- a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at a wrong, insult, or injury (resentful) Acrimony- bitterness (bitter)

5 9/24 MATH WARM-UP Find the equation of a line going through the points: (8,2) & (6, 4)

6 9/25 Warm-up: Give an antonym for each word. Don’t repeat them! Word bank: affection, calm, civility, glee, goodwill 1.Animosity: 2.Fury: 3.Indignation: 4.Resentment: 5.Acrimony:

7 9/25 MATH WARM-UP Find the equation of this line: 3 4

8 9/26 Warm-up: Copy and complete each sentence. WORD BANK: animosity, fury, indignation, resentment, acrimony 1.The latter was an issue that caused ____________ between royalists and puritans. 2.Sure, some participants are motivated by ____________ or disgust.

9 9/26 Warm-up: Copy and complete each sentence. 3.What are the physical limits to nature's ____________? 4.She showed ___________ at the way in which things were going. 5.The construction of regional lists for the 1999 european elections caused deep ____________.

10 09/26 – MATH WARM-UP (Copy, then solve this problem) Find the value of x. 8(x – 1) = 5x + 3(2 – x)

11 9/27 Warm Ups Reading: Write one sentence using each word. (total of 3 sentences) Math: (copy it) Solve this problem: 3x 2 + 2x – 1 = 0

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