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China History and Geography. Major Rivers North South.

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1 China History and Geography

2 Major Rivers North South

3 North South

4 Period of the Southern Dynasties (386-589 CE) (420-479 CE)Liu Song Dynasty (Former or Southern) Capital Nanjing Bodhidharma born in India c 450 479-502Southern Qi Capital Nanjing Paramārtha (499- 569 CE) 502-557 Liang Capital Nanjing Bodhidharma arrives in Southern China c 508 then goes north after telling Emperor Wu – “no merit.” 557-589 Chen Capital Nanjing

5 Period of the Northern Dynasties 386-581 386-534Northern Wei Sheng le, Pingcheng. Luoyang Bodhidharma sits for 9 years, teaches, and passes c 528 534-550Eastern Wei Ye 535-557Western Wei Chang’an 550-577Northern Qi Ye 557-581Northern Zhou Chang’an Huike (487-593)

6 581-618 CESui Dynasty Capital: Chang'an (Xi’an) Sengcan (?-606) Lawlessness against Buddhists 618-907Tang Dyansty Capital: Chang'an (Xi’an) Daoxin (580-651)\ Xuanzhang (602 – 664) Hongren (601-674) Huineng (638-713) 907- 960Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms 937-1253Kingdom of Da Li

7 Northern Wei Dynasty 386-534 Bodhidharma (c. 450) Jiankang INanjing) Luoyang Mt Song, Shaolin Temple Nanyue

8 Tang Dynasty 618-907-- Map c. 750 c.e. Capital City: Chang’an (Xi’an) Bodhidharma Mt. Song

9 Tang Dynasty 618-907-- Map c. 750 c.e. Bodhidharma to Huike (487-593) Bodhidharma Mt. Song to Huike Huike in Yedu

10 Tang Dynasty 618-907-- Map c. 750 c.e. Huike (487-593) to Sengcan (?-606) Bodhidharma Mt. Song to Huike Huike in Yedu Sengcan in Wangong Mt.

11 Tang Dynasty 618-907-- Map c. 750 c.e. Sengcan (?-606) to Daoxin (580-651) Bodhidharma Mt. Song to Huike Huike in Yedu Sengcan in Wangong Mt. Daoxin in Shuangfeng (Twin Peak) Mt.

12 Xuanzhang (602 – 664) His Route from Chang’an to Nalanda and back

13 Tang Dynasty 618-907-- Map c. 750 c.e. Daoxin (580-651) to Hongren (601-674) Bodhidharma Mt. Song to Huike Huike in Yedu Sengcan in Wangong Mt. Daoxin in Shuangfeng (Twin Peak) Mt. Hongren and Dapxin’s temle was called Eastern Mt of Shuangfeng (Twin Peak) Mt.

14 Tang Dynasty 618-907-- Map c. 750 c.e. Daoxin (580-651) to Hongren (601-674) Bodhidharma Mt. Song to Huike Huike in Yedu Sengcan in Wangong Mt. Daoxin in Shuangfeng (Twin Peak) Mt. Hongren and Dapxin’s temle was called Eastern Mt of Shuangfeng (Twin Peak) Mt.

15 Tang Dynasty 618-907-- Map c. 750 c.e. Hongren (601-674) to Huineng (638-713) Bodhidharma Mt. Song to Huike Huike in Yedu Sengcan in Wangong Mt. Daoxin in Shuangfeng (Twin Peak) Mt. Hongren and Dapxin’s temle was called Eastern Mt of Shuangfeng (Twin Peak) Mt. Huineng in Nanhua Temple

16 Da Li Dynasty 937-1253 Invaded by the Mongols Capital: Da Li


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