Assessment Department Enhance student achievement while simultaneously closing all identifiable gaps by providing timely and accurate data about student.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment Department Enhance student achievement while simultaneously closing all identifiable gaps by providing timely and accurate data about student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment Department Enhance student achievement while simultaneously closing all identifiable gaps by providing timely and accurate data about student performance on school- based, system-wide, and standardized assessments.

2 Functions of Assessment Department Prepares exam schedules and guidelines Develops software applications to compile student results of school-based (formative) and system- wide (summative) assessment Exam Administration Ensures the development of valid and reliable assessment tools Ensures the alignment between curriculum and assessment practices Exam Development Collects, analyzes, and interprets qualitative and quantitative data pertinent to student assessment for guiding system-wide continuous improvement Statistical Analysis and Research

3 Academic Year 2011/2012 Academic Year Term-1 (Sep 11 to Dec 07) School-based System-wide Term-2 (Jan 02 to Mar 22) Term-3 (Apr 08 to Jun 21) End-of-Year Mark = (1/3) (Term1+Term2+Term3) End-of-Term Mark = 75% SB + 25% SW (AT courses) = 50% SB + 50% SW (other courses)

4 Assessment Scheme Core; ES Cluster  ; ICT Cluster; HST Cluster School-based Assessment Participation20 100 Homework20 Quizzes30 Projects30 System-wide Exam100 Course Final Mark100  KnowledgeSkills School-based Assessment Participation20 100 School-based Assessment Housekeeping10 100 Homework20Safety20 Quizzes40Craftsmanship30 Reports20Work Completion40 System-wide Exam100 Knowledge Mark100  Skills Mark100 Course Final Mark = [(Knowledge Mark + Skills Mark)  2] = 100 Applied Technology

5 Quizzes Two unified quizzes per term for all core subjects (5 th & 9 th weeks of each term) Each quiz is out of 15 The quiz mark in school-based assessment should be the sum of the two quizzes Pop quizzes marks should be discussed with curriculum developer

6 Exam Development A question bank will be developed to generate end-of-term exams. Questions should tap all cognitive levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy in alignment with curriculum standards. Guidelines will be shared & professional developments will be conducted in this regard.

7 Marking Procedures These procedures should be conducted to the best of both markers(first & reviewer) abilities and abiding by the answer key. Exam markers should keep the following points in mind: 1.The first marker (marking with red pen) must follow the answer key. 2.The second marker (marking with green pen) must follow the answer key. 3.The mission of the second marker is not only to sign test paper but to actually mark again. 4.Both markers are INDEPENDENT of one another; the second marker has the RIGHT to add or subtract marks according to his/her judgment. 5.If both markers disagree on the marking of a student's solution (because it does not match the answer key) and there is a significant gain or loss in marks (more than 2 marks) then the LT should be involved immediately to take a final decision. 6. The Assessment Department WILL PULL OUT test papers randomly to check on the marking process.

8 Standardized Tests

9 Statistical Analysis & Research Data Analysis System-wide School-based Formative Summative Standardized Action Research Interviews Questionnaires Ethnographic Case Studies others

10 Report Cards End-of-Term results will be announced within a week from the exams. Report cards will be prepared by the Assessment Department. Student Final Result depends on his/her achievement in both: Core & Cluster Courses

11 Cluster Selection  Engineering Science (Core Percentage ≥ 80 & mathematics EoY ≥ 80)  Information & Communication Technology (Core Percentage ≥ 80 & computer EoY ≥ 80)  Health Science & Technology _ female only (Core Percentage ≥ 80 & English EoY ≥ 80)  Applied Engineering (GPA ≥ 2.0)

12 Make-up Exam Procedures A student can sit for the make-up exam if his/her absence on the day of the original exam is valid and accepted by ATHS administration. Make-up scores are treated as end-of-term exam scores and the course final marks in the corresponding subjects are calculated accordingly. If a student misses the make-up exam he/she receives a zero mark.

13 Re-sit Exam Procedures A student can sit for the re-sit exam if he/she fails no more than three core subjects. Re-sit scores are treated as the course final marks for the corresponding subjects. Previous scores (school-based or system-wide) are NOT considered in the calculations of the final mark. If a student misses the re-sit exam he/she receives a zero mark. If the re-sit score is a passing mark, it will be reflected as 60 on the student report card. Otherwise (failing mark), the re- sit score itself will be reflected on the report card.

14  Achievement GAP: less than 5%  Curriculum-Assessment Alignment: 80% passing rate; 60% tap Bloom’s three lower levels  Class Performance: average [65-75]; [8-12]  Student Projects: Unified & released by Curriculum Developers  Drop-out Rate: at most 5% Expectations for AY 2011-2012

15  CEPA: Average score of 175 in English & 165 in math  IC3: all G12 students complete the requirements  IELTS: all G12 students score 5.0 or above  SAT-Reasoning: a score 520 or above  SAT-Subject: all G12-ES students score 650 or above Expectations for AY 2011-2012

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