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Erik Erikson. Erikson’s Theory Psychosocial development Psychosocial crisis- where you need to choose a way of being.

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Presentation on theme: "Erik Erikson. Erikson’s Theory Psychosocial development Psychosocial crisis- where you need to choose a way of being."— Presentation transcript:

1 Erik Erikson

2 Erikson’s Theory Psychosocial development Psychosocial crisis- where you need to choose a way of being

3 Erikson’s Theory Affects personality later on Cultural effects? Progress throughout life, various ages want positive much more often

4 1. Trust vs. mistrust Birth to 1 ½ years Very vulnerable Need to be helped, count on others Primary caregiver Leads to trust in oneself and the world

5 2. Autonomy vs. shame/doubt 1 ½ - 3 years seek independence Do they or others control their behavior Internal or external sense of control? PRIDE More internal, more independent “terrible twos”

6 3. Initiative vs. Guilt 3-7 years (preschool) Morals and responsibility Behavior they AND society like/approve Guilty or fearful later on? Accomplishment solves a lot

7 4. Industry vs. Inferiority 7-11 years (elementary) Productive member of society, yet creative To do this, learn at school incompetent or unproductive teacher’s special role

8 5. Identity vs. identity confusion Adolescence Who am I? What do I stand for? Cliques, experimentation Need to know who you are for the future (in the way?) job, lifestyle???; + or - later on

9 Associated Terms Identity achievement- got it! Foreclosure- just do what the parent say! Negative identity- opposite of the parents Identity diffusion- apathetic about everything Moratorium- change it a lot, no commitment

10 6. Intimacy vs. isolation Early adult years Do I want to share my life with someone? Friends/others need ethics and sacrifice Sex differences: Males: autonomy Females: intimacy comes first

11 7. Generativity vs. Stagnation Middle adulthood Concern for next generation? Burnout, stagnation, midlife crisis, empty nest syndrome

12 8. Integrity vs. despair Late adulthood retirement What is the purpose of your life? Successful or RELIVE IT???


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