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+ The “New” Addictions! الادمان المعاصر! St. George & St. Joseph Coptic Orthodox Church, Montreal, QC Family Meeting – September 25, 2015 Yousry Armanios,

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Presentation on theme: "+ The “New” Addictions! الادمان المعاصر! St. George & St. Joseph Coptic Orthodox Church, Montreal, QC Family Meeting – September 25, 2015 Yousry Armanios,"— Presentation transcript:

1 + The “New” Addictions! الادمان المعاصر! St. George & St. Joseph Coptic Orthodox Church, Montreal, QC Family Meeting – September 25, 2015 Yousry Armanios, M.D. YARMANIOS@HOTMAIL.COM

2 Yearning for God! "O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” (Psalm 63:1)

3 What’s Addiction? Addiction has been described or defined as "God-hunger directed to the wrong source of soul satisfaction." But often when our soul-craving need for God is greatest, he is the last place we turn for satisfaction! That’s why ALL addicts suffer! And why those around them suffer too! So, let’s try to understand Addiction:

4 What Does the Bible Say? “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.” (1 Corinthians 6:12) “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify.” (1 Corinthians 10:23)

5 What’s Meant by Addiction? It’s an Obsession : Pre-Occupation with the addict’s behavior It’s a Compulsion : Loss of Control over the addict’s behavior regardless of any negative consequences

6 What’s Meant by Addiction? First: It’s a Chronic Condition that negatively and seriously affects the addict’s life as well as the life of others.

7 What is meant by Addiction? Second: This Chronic Condition is about the Loss of Control over: 1.Using a pleasurable substance, and/or, 2.Doing a pleasurable act.

8 The “Traditional” Addictions 1.Nicotine! 2.Alcohol (Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism) 3.Drugs (Abuse or Dependence): (Marijuana; Cocaine; Opioids, like Heroin; Amphetamines; Benzodiazepines; Barbiturates … etc.)

9 The Old Testament “Who has woe? who has sorrow? who has contentions? who has babbling? who has wounds without cause? who has redness of eyes? They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine. …” (Proverbs 23:29-35)

10 Addiction & Self-Destruction!

11 Understanding the Addiction Cycle Pleasure Memory Stress Reward (Pleasure) Tolerance Depression & More Stress (Repeat)

12 Seven Leading Factors! 1.Early Exposures to “Pleasure” 2.Stress & Trauma 3.Child “Spoiling” & Lack of Structure 4.Availability of Drugs & Alcohol 5.Escaping Reality! 6.Broken Homes 7.Absence of Christ

13 Tolerance & Depression: The Insidious Vicious Cycle Loss of Control: The Choice Factor! Dealing with the Consequences Dependence Depression & Anhedonia “Anhedonia” or “Without Pleasure” (See Ecclesiastes 12)

14 The Big Pleasures Today 1. Food All Ages!

15 The Big Pleasures Today 2. Cell Phone Usage More Tweens & Teens

16 The Big Pleasures Today 3. E-Mail Checking Mainly Adults

17 The Big Pleasures Today 4. Shopping (eBay- Amazon) More Female Adults

18 The Big Pleasures Today 5. E-Games More Boys

19 The Big Pleasures Today 6. Money & Gambling Mainly Adults

20 The Big Pleasures Today 7. Internet Addiction (Facebook, Twitter, … etc.) Many Teens & Most Adults

21 The Big Pleasures Today 8. Cybersex (Chat & Phone) Mainly Young Adults

22 The Big Pleasures Today 9. Online Pornography Mainly Teens & Adults

23 The Big Pleasures Today 10. Marijuana Mainly Teenagers and Young Adults

24 The Big Pleasures Today 11. Shisha (Hookah) Mainly Young Females & All Adults

25 The Big Pleasures Today 12. Prescription Drugs Mainly Young Adults & Adults

26 Very Sad Facts Today! Marijuana has been legalized or at least decriminalized in Canada and many states in the United States 1 in 6 teenagers, and 1 in 11 adults become addicted to marijuana More young people than ever before lack awareness about marijuana’s dangers!

27 More Sad Facts Today! Less than 40% of high school seniors think marijuana use poses a great risk, down from 55% in 2003. More and more adolescents come to realize that cigarettes are dangerous, but they don’t believe marijuana is. (In fact, they’re both unhealthy.) Legalizing marijuana doesn’t change the sad facts about its dangers, especially for young people.

28 Prevention & Treatment: Childhood Balance: Love & Discipline Prevention: Home & Christ Motivation – Treatment – Spirituality Support: Family & Social Resources Church & Group Support Spirituality A Rewarding Life

29 Am I Addicted Myself? Dealing with the “Defenses” Denial Rationalization Minimization Procrastination

30 Professional Treatment Whenever Needed!

31 “With God, all things are possible!” (Mark 10:27) You Never Give Up!

32 Thank You Q & A


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