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Geography NThe study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features on the earth. Perspective NThe point from where you are looking.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography NThe study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features on the earth. Perspective NThe point from where you are looking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography NThe study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features on the earth. Perspective NThe point from where you are looking at something; vantage. Absolute Location NA measurement used to describe position on the earth’s surface. Usually expressed in terms of coordinates (longitude/latitude) Relative Location NA measurement used to describe position on the earth’s surface in relation to something else (ex. “around the corner”, “two blocks away”) Place NThe physical features and cultural characteristics of a location.

2 Method NThe way that something is done. Functional Region NA region organized around a set of interactions and connections between places. Formal Region NA region defined by a limited number of characteristics, including but not limited to climate, vegetation and land use patterns. Interaction NThe effect that two or more things have on one another. Movement NThe way that people, goods and ideas move from one location to another.

3 Alternative NOne of the things, or courses of action, that can be chosen; option. Sequence NThe way that things are ordered. Terrain NA piece of land, usually described in terms of its natural features (i.e. rugged terrain, swampy terrain). Relative AdjConsidered in relation to something else; comparative. Characteristic NA distinguishing feature or quality; an attribute.

4 Circumstances NA fact or event that must be considered along with another fact or event: a fact or detail in a chain of events: the way things happen to be Justification NA reason for doing something. An explanation. Physical AdjPertaining to material things. Political AdjOf, pertaining to, or involving the state or its government. Special-Purpose Map NA type of map that conveys information outside of the physical or political variety.

5 Latitude NThe distance north or south of the Equator, as measured in degrees. Longitude NThe distance east or west of the Prime Meridian, as measure in degrees.

6 Week #2 Vocabulary Comments NWhat someone says about something else; viewpoints. Customers are sending us their positive comments about this service. Reaction N The force that opposes the action of a force applied to one body by another body An enzyme is a highly active protein that accelerates a chemical reaction. Rotation NA turning around of something; usually on an axis. Once the rim became bent, the rotation of the bike tire became extremely wobbly. Axis NThe line around which something turns. The earth is constantly spinning on its axis. Climate Zone NAny geographic zone loosely divided according to climate and/or latitude. There are several different climate zones within the United States.

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