New Rules for Fundraising in Changing Times! Gail Perry MBA CFRE www.

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Presentation on theme: "New Rules for Fundraising in Changing Times! Gail Perry MBA CFRE www."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Rules for Fundraising in Changing Times! Gail Perry MBA CFRE Twitter: @gailperrync www.

2 2

3 What Will Happen if You Are Oblivious? ! 3

4 The Good News: Plenty of $$ Left on the Table Satisfied donors WILL give more! 42% of donors said they could have afforded to give more last year. ~ Penelope Burk 2013 4

5 Trends for 2014 1.Trust. 2.Transparency. 3.Emerging donor types. 4.Do or die online. 5

6 Donors Are Not Sure They Trust Us Where will my money go?

7 Donors Are Not Sure They Trust You 7 How are you spending my money? What’s your Charity Navigator rating?

8 8 Will my money be wasted?

9 9 2012 Edelman Trust Barometer How much do you trust NGOs to do what is right?

10 Donors Are Researching You Online 10 I’m going to check you out online first.

11 Strategies to Build Trust: Personal relationships. Be in touch often. Do what you say you will do. 11

12 Trends for 2014 1.Trust. 2.Transparency. 3.Emerging donor types. 4.Do or die online. 5.Outside environment. 6.Internet and web. 7.Fundraising trends. 12

13 Today’s Donor Power 13 Do you show up as credible? Do I trust you?

14 Transparency: Tell them where the money went.

15 15 I don’t understand why your fundraising costs are so high!

16 The Big Picture 5. Prep Your Donors for their Ask

17 Tell them where the money went. Be transparent. Be specific. 17

18 18 The MPI Fundraising Formula Speaks to Today’s Donors Money: how much do you want to raise? Purpose : what project/purpose is it for? Impact: what impact will it have?

19 Using MPI Formula To Thank Donors: Money + Project = Impact

20 Trends for 2014 1.Trust. 2.Transparency. 3.Emerging donor types. 4.Do or die online. 20

21 Today’s Donors 21 One out of 3 donors who received direct mail responded with an online gift.

22 How Donors Are Giving 22 I like to confuse you. I may get an email appeal and then write a check. I like to confuse you. I may get an email appeal and then write a check. ~Penelope Burk, Cygnus Research

23 Giving Triggers For High Net Worth Donors Bank of America High Net Worth Study 2012

24 Major Donors Who Volunteer Give Much Much More 89% of high net worth individuals volunteered with nonprofits organizations Bank of America High Net Worth Philanthropy Study 2012 24

25 25 “We Give Our Money Where We Give our Time” Average gift of high net worth volunteers who volunteer over 100 hours? $78,000 Average gift of those who volunteered less than 100 hours? $39,000 Bank of America Study High Net Worth Philanthropy 2012

26 Donor Types: Activists “America’s Most Polarizing Big Donor Looks Back” 26

27 Donor Types: Hands-On Specific requirements. Want to be more involved. Intrusive? 27 I’d like it MY WAY!

28 Donor Types: Social Investors 28 What’s the ROI?

29 Generational Differences 29 I support only a few causes. I support 20 or more causes.

30 30 The Rise of the Boomers! Total Amount Donated Per Year (US) ~Chronicle of Philanthropy

31 Boomers Now Source of Most Gifts 31 Giving is my form of self- expression! I am passionate about my causes!

32 Older Ladies Are THE #1 Donor Demographic “Boomer and older women are more likely to give to charity and give more than their male counterparts when other factors affecting giving are taken into consideration.” ”Women Give 2012” Women’s Philanthropy Institute at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University 32

33 Who’s Giving? The Ladies! A study of affluent older adults found that for every $100 men gave, the women in the same economic circumstances gave $258. ”Women Give 2012” Women’s Philanthropy Institute at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University 33

34 Women are More Likely to ~Nonprofit TimesNonprofit Times 34 I’m more likely to seek guidance from my financial planner.

35 Women Donors 35 I’m more likely to give securities than men.

36 Trends for 2014 1.Trust. 2.Transparency. 3.Emerging donor types. 4.Live or die online. 36

37 Today’s Donors 37 We ALL prefer to make our gifts online.

38 Today’s Donors 38 86% of young donors 69% of ages 35 and 64 53% of donors over 65 Prefer to give online ~ Penelope Burk Cygnus Research

39 Media: Competition for “Mindshare” 39

40 Surprise and Delight: Incredibly Innovative Appeals 40 Surprise and delight! An appeal from the truck!

41 Incredibly Innovative Appeals 41 Average gift was up 40% and raised twice as much.

42 Fundraising Today: Planned Giving 42 The profit is in bequests.

43 Fundraising Trends 43 Planned Gifts Major Gifts

44 Fundraising Trends 44 Special Events

45 What Does This Mean to You? Training is not “would like,” it’s must have. 45

46 What Won’t Change? Nothing works better than face to face. 46

47 What Won’t Change? Board members will still be afraid of fundraising. 47

48 What Won’t Change? People are people. Generous people WILL give. 48

49 Many More Resources at Top 10 Things to Understand About How Fundraising Really Works Today 5 Clues Your Fundraising is Headed Downhill Why Board Members Love Advice Visits Does Your Organization Really Support Fundraising? Take This Simple Quiz Easy Elevator Speech Exercise for Your Board Show Me the Money: How To Move From Friendraising to Fundraising How Major Donors are Changing and What To Do About It Board Members’ #1 Job: How to Be a Personal Advocate for the Cause 20 EASY Ways Board Members Can Cultivate Donors 10 Easy Ways Board Members Can Raise Money 12 Ways to Liven Up Your Board Meetings —and Your Board Gail Perry MBA CFRE twitter: @gailperrync 49

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