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Neuropsychological Testing. Purposes of Neuropsych Testing  Determination of brain damage  Localization of brain lesions  Determination of functional.

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Presentation on theme: "Neuropsychological Testing. Purposes of Neuropsych Testing  Determination of brain damage  Localization of brain lesions  Determination of functional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neuropsychological Testing

2 Purposes of Neuropsych Testing  Determination of brain damage  Localization of brain lesions  Determination of functional consequences of brain injury  (Educational testing)

3 Some Conditions That Cause Neurological Damage  Head trauma  Vascular disorders  Degenerative disorders  Toxic conditions  Infections  Neoplasms  Anoxia

4 Common Cognitive Functions Assessed  Attention  Memory  Visual-spatial abilities  Psychomotor speed  Planning/sequencing  Abstract reasoning  Language (expressive and receptive)  Cognitive flexibility  Lateral differences

5 Approaches to Neuropsych Testing  Standardized batteries Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Halstead-Reitan Battery  Individualized batteries Often includes an IQ test  Specific tests

6 Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychogical Battery  Allows for testing of limits  Emphasis on optimal performance  279 items, across 12 scales  Produces a coded profile, which is then interpreted  Item analysis within scales

7 Halstead-Reitan Battery  A longer test, more standardized  Halstead category test  Tactual test  Rhythm test  Speech-sounds perception test  Finger oscillation test  (Trail-making test)  (WAIS and MMPI)

8 Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test (Bender Gestalt)  An older test, frequently used by psychologists who are not neuropsychologists  Serves as a projective as well  Errors include: perseveration rotation distortion of shape failure of integration

9 Wechsler Memory Scale  Assesses several kinds of memory fairly quickly  Subtests: Information and orientation Mental control Figural memory Logical memory Visual paired associates Verbal paired associates Visual reproduction Digit span

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