Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Nature-based solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction Eleni MANOLI European Commission Directorate General.

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Presentation on theme: "Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Nature-based solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction Eleni MANOLI European Commission Directorate General."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Nature-based solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction Eleni MANOLI European Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation e-mail:

2 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation The challenge Floods in Copenhagen, DenmarkStorm tide in Bremenhaven, Germany 2013-12-06,

3 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Nature-based solutions – What are they? Actions that are inspired by, supported by or copied from nature With potential to be energy and resource-efficient and resilient to change With success depending on adapting to local contexts (physical, environmental, social, cultural, institutional) A potentially cost-effective response to major societal challenges faced today which contributes to environmental, economic and social sustainability

4 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation City of Arnsberg, Germany Flooding (2007) by the small streams in the city Solution: Re-naturing of rivers and streams Co-benefits Increased biodiversity Improvement of the city landscape Enhanced recreational value (and revenue from tourism) for the city Fast attainment of EU environmental policy objectives Source: EU FP7 Circle 2 project

5 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Room for the River, the Netherlands High cost of expanding infrastructure for flood protection Solution: Integrated spatial plan for flood protection (4 million people) Restoration of floodplains Introduction of green elements Co-benefits Master landscaping Improvement of environmental quality for people and nature Increase of recreational facilities © Ruimte voor de Rivier, 2015

6 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Protective forests, Alps Increased risks & infrastructure damage from landslides & avalanches Solution: Targeted afforestation of hillslopes Benefits for Switzerland only: between €1.5 to 2.5 billion per year Other co-benefits: Natural capital & landscape enhancement © Foto Furter, Photograph Parsenn, Switzerland, 1945 © Peter Bebi, Photograph Parsenn, Switzerland, 2007

7 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Are nature-based solutions cost- effective? Engineering solutions Strong evidence base Most effective in reducing the impact of hazards Generally, affordability is low and additional benefits are few Nature-based solutions Most affordable and with positive additional consequences Often not as effective as other options Evidence base is weak / uncertainty regarding effectiveness & performance is high Adapted from the Royal Society (2014), Resilience to extreme weather

8 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Diverse & multiple co-benefits that make a difference

9 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Barriers & needs to full deployment Limited awareness of multi-functionality – lock-in in the traditional way of ‘doing things’ Lack of a solid evidence base to compare and combine with traditional, engineering solutions Timeframes & tipping points for performance Design standards Operational and technical guidelines Need for tools and standards to “engineer” nature-based solutions Need for innovative decision-making processes involving co- design & co-implementation

10 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation An EU Research & Innovation agenda for Nature-Based Solutions

11 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Nature-based solutions at the heart of systemic management for DRR Objectives Widening the solutions portfolio beyond technological innovation and foster social innovation Co-designing, co-developing, co- implementing solutions Providing systemic, scalable, integrated solutions at landscape & city level Creating investment and market opportunities Instruments Horizon 2020 – the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Leveraging of other sources of funding

12 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation The overall approach for a new EU Research and Innovation policy agenda R&I Other policies Stakeholder & civic engagement

13 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Research & Innovation can make a difference EU R&I policy agenda underway to provide the evidence and arguments for Nature-based solutions Establishment of a dialogue platform for diverse stakeholders Mapping and networking of existing initiatives on Nature-Based Solutions in Europe and beyond Set-up of large scale demonstration projects on the effectiveness, applicability and replicability of Nature-Based Solutions Launch and test of new means of collaboration, financing and governance (public private partnerships, innovative financing, business and organisational models, innovative public procurement, social innovation etc.) Collaboration within Europe and internationally, through Horizon 2020 – the EU Framework Programme for Research & Innovation

14 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Find out more... HORIZON 2020: on2020/ on2020/ European Research Area _en.htm _en.htm

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