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In Astronomy The Ahhhh! (Awe). Starry NightStarry Night Vincent Van Gogh.

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Presentation on theme: "In Astronomy The Ahhhh! (Awe). Starry NightStarry Night Vincent Van Gogh."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Astronomy The Ahhhh! (Awe)

2 Starry NightStarry Night Vincent Van Gogh

3 "For my part, I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of stars makes me dream." ~Vincent van Gogh


5 The Winter Sky

6 New Moon

7 Wonders of the Night Sky! Northern Hemisphere

8 Wonders of the Night Sky! Southern Hemisphere

9 Hubble Ultra Deep Field ~ 10,000 Galaxies in the diameter 1/10 th the moon

10 What Can We See?

11 The Solar System

12 What Can We See? Our Star ~93,000,000 miles Our Nearest Star Never Look at the Sun Without AppropriateFilters

13 What Can We See? Sun Sunspots Never Look at the Sun Without AppropriateFilters

14 What Can We See? Sun The Sun ThroughaSpecialHydrogenFilter SolarProminences

15 What Can We See? Sun Partial Solar Eclipse

16 SunSolar Eclipse Total Eclipse Sun

17 Venus ~50 million Miles from Earth

18 Venus has Phases March 26, 2004 April 23, 2004 May 4, 2004 May 18, 2004

19 Earth From our Moon

20 Earth’s Moon 250,000 miles

21 What Can We See? Craters, Mountains, Valleys, Canyons…

22 Mars 60 million miles







29 Jupiter ~400 million miles

30 Jupiter’s Moons

31 Saturn ~865 million miles

32 Comet Hyakutake

33 Leonid Meteor Shower

34 Aurora & Planets & Pleiades


36 Deep Space Stars & Double Stars Nebula Planetary Nebula Star Clusters Galaxies Black Holes Quasars

37 M13 Great Cluster in Hercules Beehive Cluster M44

38 Pleiades

39 Double Stars Beta Cygni (Alberio)

40 M42 - Orion Nebula ~1500 light years

41 Veil Nebula ~2600 Light Years

42 Large Magellanic Cloud

43 Closer View

44 M31 - Andromeda Galaxy ~2.4 millions light-years

45 M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy Galaxies Merging

46 A Gaggle of Galaxies in Coma Berenices

47 Binoculars - A Great Place To Start! Summer Milky Way

48 Lots of Telescope Choices

49 The End… or the Beginning! Go Outside and Take a Look


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