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 Our solar system has inner and outer planets.  Also our solar system has a dwarf planet.  All of our planets revolve around our central star, or in.

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Presentation on theme: " Our solar system has inner and outer planets.  Also our solar system has a dwarf planet.  All of our planets revolve around our central star, or in."— Presentation transcript:

1  Our solar system has inner and outer planets.  Also our solar system has a dwarf planet.  All of our planets revolve around our central star, or in other words, a sun.

2  The sun is the central star of the Milky way galaxy.  Without the sun we would not be alive.  Our sun provides us with light, heat, and energy to live.

3  Mercury is the size of Earth’s moon.  Mercury is covered with craters.  Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.

4  Venus is the same size as Earth.  Venus is also the third brightest object in the sky.  Venus is made of volcanoes, lava plain, craters, mountain ranges, and highland regions.

5  Earth is the planet we live on.  Earth is the largest inner planet.  Earth’s distance from the sun helps the temperature maintain so it can support life.

6  Mars is also called the Red Planet.  Mars has two moons Deimos and Phobos.  Mars is very small compared to earth.

7  The asteroid belt is in between the outer and inner planets.  The asteroid belt is made of rocks and other pieces of stuff.

8  Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.  Jupiter has at least 63 moons or more.

9  Saturn has rings around it.  Saturn has at least 31 moons.

10 UUranus is a gas giant. UUranus is sideways when it orbits the sun.

11  Neptune is one of the windiest places in our solar system  It has at least 13 moons.

12  Pluto is a dwarf planet.  Pluto used to be considered a planet but now its considered a dwarf planet.

13  A planet is a big object that orbits a star.  Earth is a planet.

14  The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.  The inner planets are the ones before the asteroid belt.

15  The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.  The outer planets are the planets after the asteroid belt.

16  A comet is a ball of ice, rock, and frozen gases.  Usually comets are less than 10 kilometers across.

17  Constellations are a group of stars that form an imaginary picture in the night sky.  One of the most common constellations is the Little Dipper.

18  During the moon phases there is waxing and waning.  When you look at the moon you think there are different shapes of it but it is just the moon phases.

19  A galaxy is a huge system of stars, dust, and gas.  The galaxy we live in is called the milky way.

20  This is the powerful telescope called Hubble.  There are regular telescopes also but you can only see stars with them.

21  A universe is everything that exists in space.  There are galaxies and a whole lot of stars in the universe.

22  Stars are huge superheated gases.  The color of the star tells how hot the star is.

23  An axis is an imaginary line going through both poles of a planet.  Earth has an axis.


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