Ecosystems What is ecology? Ecology- the scientific study of interactions between organisms and their environments, focusing on energy transfer It is.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecosystems What is ecology? Ecology- the scientific study of interactions between organisms and their environments, focusing on energy transfer It is."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ecosystems

3 What is ecology? Ecology- the scientific study of interactions between organisms and their environments, focusing on energy transfer It is a science of relationships. EC0- House or Home -OLOGY- The Study of

4 What do you mean by environment? The environment is made up of two factors: Biotic factors- all living organisms inhabiting the Earth Abiotic factors- nonliving parts of the environment (i.e. temperature, soil, light, moisture, air currents)

5 Organism Population Community Biosphere Ecosystem

6 OrganismOrganism- any unicellular or multicellular form exhibiting all of the characteristics of life, an individual. The lowest level of organization

7 PopulationPopulation-a group of organisms of one species living in the same place at the same time that interbreed and compete with each other for resources (ex. food, mates, shelter)

8 CommunityCommunity- several interacting populations that inhabit a common environment and are interdependent.

9 EcosystemEcosystem- populations in a community and the abiotic factors with which they interact (ex. marine, terrestrial)

10 BiosphereBiosphere- life supporting portions of Earth composed of air, land, fresh water, and salt water. The highest level of organization

11 Trophic Levels Food chain- simple model that shows how matter and energy move through an ecosystem

12 Food Chain -a linear path of energy transfer


14 Trophic Levels Food web- shows all possible feeding relationships in a community at each trophic level Represents a network of interconnected food chains

15 Food chainFood web (just 1 path of energy) (all possible energy paths)


17 Carbon Cycle The movement of carbon, in its many forms, between the biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and geosphere is described by the carbon cycle. Can you identify means in which carbon is absorbed? Can you identify means in which carbon is released ?


19 Carbon Cycle Animated

20 Nitrogen is essential for many biological processes; it is in all amino acids, is incorporated into proteins, and is present in the bases that make up nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA. In plants, much of the nitrogen is used in chlorophyll molecules which are essential for photosynthesis and further growthamino acidsproteinsnucleic acids DNARNAplants chlorophyll photosynthesis



23 Just like water and carbon cycle through ecosystems, toxins do as well. However, while energy decreases as it moves up the food chain, toxins increase in potency. This is called biomagnification.



26 Nitrogen (N) is a necessary component of amino acids and nucleic acids. How do animals obtain useable nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle? –A. Animals obtain nitrogen from breathing the air. –B. Animals absorb nitrogen compounds through their skin. –C. Animals take in nitrogen by digesting proteins and nucleic acids. –D. Animals eat the roots of plants containing nitrogen- fixing bacteria. 1.

27 The organism shown in Figure 2-12 is involved in which type of symbiosis? A) commensalism B) parasitism C) predatorism D) mutualism 2.

28 Which of the following can increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? a. industrial burning of fossil fuels b. deforestation c. automobile exhaust d. all of these answers are correct 3.

29 Over millions of years, the remains of ancient organisms gradually turn into fossil fuels. Which of the following is a by product given off when humans burn these fossil fuels? –A. hydrogen (H2) –B. oxygen (O2) –C. methane (CH4) –D. carbon dioxide (CO2) 4.

30 A volcano in a mountainous, wooded region erupts, spewing tons of ash and destroying the forested area around the volcano. If the volcano remains dormant during the next 1000 years, what will probably happen? –A. The mountains will erode and remain without life. –B. The area will remain unchanged, covered by volcanic ash. –C. The area will be repopulated by trees, eventually becoming a forest again. –D. The area will turn into a completely different habitat, such as desert or plains. 5.

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