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* Fish- use gills for oxygen intake * Pharyngeal pouches turn into gills and jaws * Fish have a 2 chambered heart in a closed circulatory system * 1 chamber.

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2 * Fish- use gills for oxygen intake * Pharyngeal pouches turn into gills and jaws * Fish have a 2 chambered heart in a closed circulatory system * 1 chamber receives blood from the body and then the other pushes the blood past the gills and sends it to the body * Most fish reproduce externally * Release lots of eggs and sperm, survival by numbers * Some are bony and other like sharks use cartilage as a skeletal system

3 * Amphibians- moist skin, so must be near water, cold blooded * Reproduce in water * Can live on land because of lungs * Start life out using gills in water and then through metamorphosis they grow legs and live on land * Use a 3 chambered heart to get more oxygen for walking on land * Get oxygen from skin and lungs * Frogs, salamanders, newts * Hard to walk on land, they do not have proper joints in their legs

4 * Reptiles- dry skin, cold blooded(ectotherms) * Reproduce on land by laying hard shelled eggs * These will not dry out before the embryo hatches * Legs are jointed for better movement and are under the body, not to the side like amphibians * Use a 4 chambered heart for better oxygen flow * Many different ways of getting food * Some are venomus

5 * Birds- believed to originate from dinosaurs * Hollow bones to weigh less and fly * Development of air sacs- get oxygen when they breath in and out, great for very active animals * Birds reproduce on land and must sit on their eggs (incubate) for them to hatch * Reptiles do not do this. * Warm blooded organism (endotherms)

6 * Mammals- have hair made of proteins and used for insulation and protection * Endotherms- cool down with sweat glands * Feed young milk though mammary glands * Care for young after birth * Endotherms needs lots of energy to create heat, use 4 chambered heart and a diaphragm to expand the lung cavity

7 * Jaws and teeth will specialize for carnivores and herbivores * Large sharp teeth to eat meat or large flat teeth to grind grains * Omnivores contain a mixture of both * Modified limbs- to swim, climb, hold tools, and fly. Mammals are flexible and jointed for easy movement * Made of bone and use large muscles for movement * Large brains to learn about environment

8 * Behavior- anything an animal does in response to a stimulus * 2 types of behaviors * Instinctive * Learned

9 * Inheritied behaviors- cause the organism to better survive * Natural selection has picked certain behaviors as favorable * Birds fly south * Butterfly lay eggs on certain plants * Automatic responses are inherited * Reflex- an automatic response that organisms have no control over * Fight or flight- an automatic response that causes the body to get ready for action, without you controlling it * Heart beat quickens, respiration increases, clammy skin

10 * Instinctive behaviors- an inherited behavior that takes longer to develop * Mating rituals- insures the survival of the species * Makes sure that mating happens between the same species * Different species have different mating rituals * Birds have bright feathers to attract mates * Some spiders must bring lunch so they don’t become lunch while they mate * Setting territories reduces conflicts, promotes population growth, and controls the environment * Breeding, and food are marked within an area * Causes fights to protect area and mates * Marked by pheromones

11 * Aggressive behaviors are instinctive * Used to show dominance and to protect the herd or property * Males of some species will fight for mating rights * Usually not hurt because of physical evolution and the dominance has been set * Big horn sheep have thick skulls so not to hurt too bad * Submission from fights leads to hierarchies * Creates one leader that usually mates

12 * Notice that most of these behaviors lead to an ability to reproduce. Natural selection states that those that survive can reproduce to pass on genes.

13 * Behaviors caused by internal and external cues * Circadian rhythm – caused by day and night- awake at day, relax at night * Some control over this inherited trait- night work * Migration- caused by day length * Fly south to survive from freezing or to get food and mate * Hibernation- survive the cold harsh winter * Body temp drops, breathing slows * Most animals that hibernate consume huge amounts of food during summer to live on

14 * Learned behavior * Habits- a repeated process used to learn a skill * When the organism no longer responds to stimulus, learning has been done * ABC, 123 * Imprinting- a social learning that occurs at a very specific time * Like ducks in a row, they must learn what their own kind look like * Many animals do not instantly know what they are.

15 * Motivation and learning * Either by punishment or reward, having motivation will help an organism learn * If a dog sits, it is rewarded- lesson learned * If you drive to fast you get a ticket- lesson learned * Classical conditioning- learning by association * Ivan pavlov is famous for his dog experirement


17 * Insight- to see the future? No, but at least be able to reason with old information about a new situation * Right vs. wrong * You know taking a cookie is wrong, so is taking a soda wrong too? * Human learn much by insight * Use old information to solve a new problem

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