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Taxonomy Reflects Evolutionary History Section 15.4.

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Presentation on theme: "Taxonomy Reflects Evolutionary History Section 15.4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taxonomy Reflects Evolutionary History Section 15.4

2 Classification/Taxonomy Classification  the grouping of objects for practical purposes. Ex: Taxonomy  the identification, naming and classification of species. The science of classification of organisms

3 Aristotle(384-322 BC) One of the earliest taxonomists Living things  two groups  Plants & Animals Plants  herbs, shrubs, and trees Animals  live on land, water and air **artificial system didn’t work, birds live on land, water & air ** Listed 500 species, today  at least 5 million of which only 1.5 have been named

4 Carolus Linnaeus(1707-1778) Developed a method still used today Selected characteristics that led to more natural groupings of species Identified species by two names  genus & species  Binomial nomenclature The system also groups organisms into different categories starting from the smallest- species to the largest-kingdom

5 Classification Categories Kingdom  broadest Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species  most specific

6 Classification-Dichotomous Key Series of paired statements that describe the presence or absence of certain characteristics

7 Animals No wings(4) Wings(1-3) 1 2 3 4 Feathers (1,2) No Feathers (3) Black & white(1) Pink (2) (1-4)

8 Phylogenetic Tree A diagram that reflects the evolutionary relationship between species Each branch point represents a common ancestor.

9 Phylogenetic Tree

10 Clade/ Cladistics Clade  Each evolutionary branch in a phylogenetic tree. Cladistics  the method used to determine the sequence of branching in a phylogenetic tree

11 Cladograms A phylogenetic diagram that specifies the derived characters of clades

12 Comparing Classification Schemes Linnaeus  two kingdom system, system prevailed for 200 yrs Whittaker(1969)  Five Kingdom system

13 Three Domains Reevaluation of the five- kingdom system  three domain system 2 Domains of Prokaryotes Bacteria, Archaea 1 Domain of Eukaryotes Eukarya


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