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Properties of Metals This presentation shows the main properties of metals and their meanings.

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Presentation on theme: "Properties of Metals This presentation shows the main properties of metals and their meanings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Properties of Metals This presentation shows the main properties of metals and their meanings.

2 Malleable This property means that metals can be hit without shattering. They can be hammered into shape, even when cold and not break into lots of small pieces.

3 Shiny Most metals are silvery in colour, except copper and gold. Some go dull over time. All metals are shiny when freshly cut.

4 Conductors They are very good conductors of heat and electricity. This is why they are used for pots and pans and in electrical circuits to carry the current.

5 Ductile This property means that metals can stretched very thinly without them breaking. This is why they can be drawn out into wires.

6 Sonorous This property refers to the sound that metals make when they are hit. Metals make a ringing sound when they are struck.

7 Physical Properties of Non- Metals

8 Thermal Insulator Thermal insulators do not let heat pass through them. Wool is made out of non-metal elements like Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Sulphur

9 Brittle This means that it is likely to break if you drop it.

10 Electrical Insulator Non-Metals are poor electrical conductors. They therefore make good electrical insulators because they cannot conduct electricity The PVC coating on electrical wires is made of the non-metals Carbon, Hydrogen and Chlorine.

11 Dull Non-Metals do not have a shiny surface like metals. They are usually dull in appearance

12 Physical Properties of Non-Metals T hermal insulator B rittle E lectrical insulator D ull

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