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Notes: Protein Synthesis

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1 Notes: Protein Synthesis
Objective: What are the steps involved in protein synthesis?

2 Notes: Protein Synthesis
Instructions: Notes: Protein Synthesis 1 2 3 4 5 6 Take the page and divide it into 6 equal boxes Number the boxes

3 Title Box 1: What is the central dogma of biology?
Replication DNA Transcription RNA Translation Protein (amino acid)

4 Title Box 2: What are the steps involved in protein synthesis?
“making a protein” Step 1. Transcription Step 2. Translation DNA to mRNA mRNA to protein

5 Title Box 3: What happens during transcription?
Part of DNA unwinds One strand of DNA acts as template and gets “transcribed” into mRNA When finished leaves nucleus and enters cytoplasm

6 Title Box 4: What happens during translation?
mRNA attaches to ribosome in cytoplasm Ribosome reads mRNA 3 bases at a time (codon) tRNA brings amino acid and protein chain gets build

7 Title Box 5: How do proteins determine traits?
Genes = sequence of DNA that codes for a protein Alleles = different forms of a gene Different order in amino acids = different proteins = different traits

8 How are proteins made from DNA?
Title Box 6: Summary Answer the following questions within this box: How are proteins made from DNA? Answer in 2-3 complete sentences Highlight and # the periods Use the following words: DNA, mRNA, transcription and translation

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