1 Node 2.0. 2 NODE 2.0 Introduction and Background –Dennis Burling Current and Future –Bill Rensmith Technical Talk –Mike Reich.

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1 1 Node 2.0

2 2 NODE 2.0 Introduction and Background –Dennis Burling Current and Future –Bill Rensmith Technical Talk –Mike Reich

3 3 The Journey 1998 – Information Management Work Group (IMWG) formed October 2000 – Network Blueprint –Defined the Node as: A participant’s single, managed point of interaction between trading partners. The collection of specific technical and policy components that a participating member will manage for providing and receiving information via the Network.

4 4 The Journey – How do we get there?

5 5 The Journey 2001 & 2002 - Alpha and Beta node projects conducted

6 6 The Journey February 2002 – Network Implementation Plan approved –The dynamic nature of Network development requires this Plan to be flexible and allow for the development and improvement of Network technologies –The technical options for Node development will continue to expand as vendors release new products

7 7 The Journey Fall 2002 – Node 1.0 project is completed –Modifications to 1.0 documentation and release of Node 1.1 documentation

8 8 The Journey Late 2002 – first node in production with CDX Early 2003 – A few more 1.1 nodes in production Late summer 2006 – NTG work group starts discussing Node 2.0

9 9 The Journey Winter 2006 –NTG provides report to NOB for consideration of Node 2.0 evaluation –NOB agrees to proposed Node 2.0 evaluation and time line April 2007 – User’s Conference briefing –49 state nodes, 4 tribal nodes

10 10 Why Node 2.0? Is Node 1.1 broken? –This is not about design changes or flaws to the architecture. Node 1.1 technologies are being de-supported. –Vendor support for our 1.1 technologies is decreasing –Expect decreasing support to continue –Difficult to support and maintain our existing technology –Possible increasing costs of operation

11 11 Why Node 2.0? Opportunity A vision and expectation of complex flows by 2010 that will receive and publish information. –Cost to change now should be relatively low –Opportunity to integrate innovative applications into the Node configuration. Upgrading the Node configuration now should be easier than later when more complex exchanges become available. Funding, maximize the number of grant cycles to support Partner adoption/migration of Node 2.0.

12 12 Node 2.0 Keeping a single EN WSDL with about 80% of the 1.1 features. Firming up the infrastructure to prepare for: –Publishing and complex exchanges –Signatory requirements Building in dual endpoints in each Node 2.0 configuration to ensure Node 1.1 can still operate on the network for all current uses during implementation.

13 13 Node 2.0 Timeline May NOB/NTG check-in –Complete draft Node 2.0 changes –Complete Rollout Plan –Complete Testing plan June-August: –Unit and Process Testing Mid August: –Specification freeze and distribution to Node 2.0 developers September: –Final CDX/Vendor Node testing –Final NTG/NOB decision point: go/no go with rollout November: –Distribution/Availability of Node 2.0’s and Protocol/Specification. –Grant Guidance Out Winter 07: –User Test Bed Available: Early adopter implementations –Grant Process Spring 08: –Grant Award Notifications –Building 2.0 Nodes

14 14 Proposed Rollout Goals Node 1.1 continuing support –CDX will support Node 1.1 for 18 months from rollout of 2.0 Node-in-a-box – a complete installable Node solution –Plug-ins –Submit –Query/Solicit Node 2.0 implementation support Emphasis on ensuring everybody has access to “entry” level Node that makes publishing easy Implement a full service test bed for Node 2.0 Three vendor created ‘Gold Standard’ nodes, which are ‘plug-n-play’, including the next version CDX node.

15 15 Grant Money The work group has discussed different options for funding the Node 2.0 implementation. Due to the importance of an implementation of this magnitude, we are strongly recommending Node 2.0 implementation be included in the 2008 Grant Guidance.

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