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Fossil Fuels.

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Presentation on theme: "Fossil Fuels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fossil Fuels

2 Where does the name come from?????

3 3 types: Solid: Coal Liquid: Oil Gas: Natural Gas

4 Why do they have energy? Carbon bonds

5 How do we release the Energy?
Burn them!!!!

6 For Each…. Formation Extraction Energy Production and Uses
Environmental Problems

7 Account for 90% of world energy consumption
40% Oil 24% Coal 22% NG

8 Coal

9 Coal Intro Cheapest and most polluting
Used for centuries but did not become dominant fuel until 18th century (replaced wood) Fueled Industrial Revolution US has ~25% of world’s coal China has large deposits too

10 Remnants of…. Ancient PLANT material from SWAMPY LAND LEPIDODENDREN

11 WHEN??? Carboniferous Period mys

12 Needs…. Partial Decomposition Time Heat Pressure

13 Terms Moss Peat Lignite Bituminous Anthracite

14 Peat: “Pre-coal”; Low heat content
1. Lignite- Youngest; Largest portion; Lowest C content Soft coal, brown-black in color, soft, woody texture Moist & produces little heat Often used in power plants Found in Western states 2. Bituminous Coal (most common) Also soft (but harder than lignite) Dull to bright black with dull bands Contains sulfur (which means…) Produces lots of heat so used by power plants- most common 3. Anthracite or Hard Coal Exposed to extremely high temps during formation Burns most cleanly Highest heat-producing capacity

15 Oil and Natural Gas

16 Intro 1940s:oil & ng become important (easier to transport and cleaner) Distribution is uneven Half of the oil: Persian Gulf Half the ng: Russia & Iran Exist on continental shelf Usually discovered under structural traps (geological features that trap oil or ng) Supplies will run out before coal

17 Remnants of…. Ancient AQUATIC MICROSCOPIC organisms

18 When???? Carboniferous Period

19 Needs…. Partial Decomposition Time Heat Pressure
Natural Gas= higher temperatures


21 Extraction of Fossil Fuels
How do we get them out of the ground????

22 Coal Surface Strip Open Pit Mountaintop Removal Subsurface Slope Shaft

23 Strip

24 Open Pit

25 Mountaintop Removal .com/the-colbert-report- videos/261997/january /coal-comfort--- margaret-palmer

26 Shaft

27 Slope

28 Problems? Surface? Ruins the Environment Subsurface? Dangerous

29 Oil and Natural Gas Drilling for petroleum (land or ocean)
Refine- separate Drilling & Fracking /watch?v=timfvNgr_Q4

30 /watch?v=SeXG8K5_UvU
/watch?v=e_CcrgKLyzc&f eature=related


32 Uses

33 Energy Generation



36 Coal Electricity Generation Industrial Processes

37 Oil Transportation Fuels Industrial Processes Cement Plastic Heating

38 Natural Gas Heating Electricity

39 Environmental Problems
Concept Map Time I will give you the pollutants- you link them to environmental issues

40 Coal: CO2, SO2, Hg Oil: CO2, Nox Natural Gas: CO2

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