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From Despair to Dominance

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1 From Despair to Dominance
Germany in the 1930s From Despair to Dominance

2 Germany in the 1930s As the dawn of the 1930s came upon Germany, so did a ray of hope in the form of Adolf Hitler He would have to pull Germany out from the rubble of the Great Depression, change the gov’t structure, and invoke a new belief of a new Germany

3 Germany in the 1930s To give the German people something to believe in, and to get loyal support, Hitler starts a massive propaganda campaign Propaganda: Using resources to promote your side or views as more positive than your enemies Hitler uses propaganda through newspapers, radio broadcasts, posters, pamphlets, rallies…

4 Germany in the 1930s

5 Germany in the 1930s Hitler uses propaganda to bring both support for his Nazi party and to turn the citizens against the Jews This way people would not blame Hitler for the terrible economy and high unemployment, but instead find their scapegoat in the Jewish population Joseph Goebbels becomes the Minister of Propaganda

6 Germany in the 1930s As the Great Depression hits Germany, the citizens see record unemployment (6 million), hyperinflation to the point that their money is worthless, hunger, and poverty Hitler realizes that to save the economy he must create jobs. He found them in building war materials, and making improvements to the country

7 Germany in the 1930s Hitler set up two 4-year plans to get the economy back on track, including gov’t control of wages and prices to control the inflation Massive public works programs were set up to tackle unemployment and put people back to work. (Building hospitals, schools, and the autobahn) This was eerily similar to President Roosevelt’s New Deal Program

8 Germany in the 1930s

9 Germany in the 1930s One of the biggest public works program was the building of concentration camps across Germany These camps were used as a tool for intimidation and fear. Anyone who went against the Nazi state would be sent there Gestapo: Secret police of Germany that ran the camps. Hermann Goering was the head of the Gestapo

10 Germany in the 1930s

11 Germany in the 1930s By 1936, the economy was stable, prices were controlled, and people were getting back to work Hitler was making military service mandatory and creating the largest army in the world Feeling like Germany is ready for a war if challenged, he starts to make demands

12 Germany in the 1930s March 1936, Hitler invades the Rhineland. (Border region between France and Germany) France lets them have it!! This shifts the balance of power to Hitler and encourages further aggression since no one will stop him

13 Germany in the 1930s

14 Germany in the 1930s By 1938, Hitler decides to incorporate Austria as part of Germany. He believed that with the shared culture and race they were naturally German. (Anschluss) Many Austrians welcomed the Nazis, but this was forbidden under the Treaty of Versailles France and England do nothing once again

15 Germany in the 1930s

16 Germany in the 1930s That same year he takes the Sudetenland. (Western areas of Czechoslovakia that border Germany) Hitler claimed that mostly Germans lived there and it belonged rightfully to Germany He promised this would be his last demand if he could have it

17 Germany in the 1930s

18 Germany in the 1930s By this point, France and England are tired of Hitler taking land but are too weak to stop him They ask for a conference with Hitler Munich Agreement: Signed agreement by Hitler, Neville Chamberlain (Prime Minister of England), and Charles DeGaulle (Prime Minister of France) that there would be “Peace in Our Time!” This becomes the high point of appeasement

19 Germany in the 1930s

20 Germany in the 1930s Hitler never planned to follow this agreement
Early 1939, Hitler takes his final piece of land before the war when the Nazis take over all of Czechoslovakia The next step? World War II!

21 Germany in the 1930s

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