NURS 171 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: PNEUMONIA Darlene LoPresto, Graduate Student FSU.

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Presentation on theme: "NURS 171 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: PNEUMONIA Darlene LoPresto, Graduate Student FSU."— Presentation transcript:

1 NURS 171 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: PNEUMONIA Darlene LoPresto, Graduate Student FSU

2 Pathophysiology  Bacterial or viral  Infection/Inflammation  Exudate  Lobar or diffuse  Streptococcus  Klebsiella

3 Etiology Incompetent distal airway defense mechanisms

4 Prevention  Pneumococcal vaccine  Avoid smoking  Avoid allergens, indoor pollutant exposure

5 Symptoms  Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea  Dyspnea  Productive cough  Pleuritic pain  Confusion

6 Diagnosis & Complications  Multi drug resistance  Allergic reaction  Food/drug interaction

7 Medical Management  Limited activity  Antipyretics  Analgesics  Oxygen therapy  I.S.  Bronchodilators  Increase fluid intake  Antibiotic therapy  Rest  Modify r/t patient response

8 Pneumonia Review Question  What is one of the most common bacterial organisms that cause pneumonia? a) Staph Aureus b) Streptococcus c) Both a & b d) All of the above

9 Pneumonia Review Question  Symptoms of pneumonia include all of the following except: a) Productive cough b) Dyspnea c) Hemoptysis d) Pleuritic pain

10 Pneumonia Review Question  Nursing Interventions for the pneumonia patient include all of the following except: a) Blood culture interpretation b) Incentive spirometry c) Increase fluid intake d) None of the above

11 Nurse Diagnosis: Case Study

12 Bronchiectasis Supportive Educative Nursing 171 Darlene LoPresto, BSN, RN,C http:// www. youtu m/wat ch?v= zMKa JEgm TT4

13 Inflammation Airway damage Remodeling Continuing cycle d/t Infection

14 Symptoms  Persistent/recurrent cough  Dyspnea  Crackles  Pleuritic chest pain  Hemoptysis  Purulent sputum

15 Medical Management  Dx: HRCT Sputum cultures  Tx: Treat acute flare-ups Maintain lung function Antibiotics Bronchodilators Mucolytic agents Anti-inflammatory agents

16 Nursing Diagnosis Ineffective airway clearance r/t increased secretions -Chest physiotherapy & Postural drainage -No smoking -Vaccinations -Good oral hygiene -Infection control

17 Supportive Educative Nursing 171 Lung Cancer D.LoPresto, BSN, RN,C

18 Types Primary Lung Cancer  Small cell  Adenocarcinoma  Squamous  Large cell neoplasm

19 Lung Cancer Etiology: Smoking

20 Incidence of Lung Cancer  Leading cause of Cancer deaths  28% of all cancer deaths  172,570 new cases annually  58% death rate men  African Americans  Hispanics  5 year survival rate 15%

21 Risk Assessment  Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Lung cancer prediction tool ncer

22 Which are Symptoms of lung cancer? Select all that apply: 1) Persistent cough 2) Hemoptysis 3) Bradypnea 4) Hematemesis 5) Anorexia

23 Patient Symptoms  Nonspecific  Occur late in disease  Type of cancer & location  Dyspnea  Persistent cough  Persistent pneumonitis  Hemoptysis  Ausculatory wheeze  Weight loss  Fever

24 Diagnosis  10% with routine CXR  PET scan  CT scan  Bone scan  Lung biopsy  20-30% (+) sputum cytology

25 Ectopic hormone syndromes  ACTH  ADH  PTH

26 Prevention  Smoking cessation  Screening CXR  Sputum cytology  The U.S. Preventive Service Task Force  The American College of Chest Physicians

27 Collaborative Care  Surgical Treatment -resection  Radiation  Chemotherapy  Targeted Therapy

28 Nursing Diagnosis: Group Activity

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