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The Age of Discovery Early 15th Century to 17th Century

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Presentation on theme: "The Age of Discovery Early 15th Century to 17th Century"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Age of Discovery Early 15th Century to 17th Century

2 Introduction to Exploration

3 What was European Exploration about?

4 Introduction to Exploration
European Exploration was about: Power: European Countries wanted to dominate the rest of the world. Wealth: European countries competed to become the richest country in the world. Trade : European countries wanted to find new trade routes between Europe and Asia. (Trade=exchange of goods between two different countries)

5 Technology and New Innovations
Better and faster ship designs Printing Press More reliable magnetic compass Invention of the clock New navigational methods People realized that the world was not flat more accurate maps Gun powder and new weapons cannons/muskets/guns Technology and new innovations made it possible for explorers to explore the oceans.


7 The Three main countries involved:
1. Portugal 2. Spain 3. England Monarchies (rulers) of Portugal, Spain and England wanted to increase their wealth and power. Monarchies funded expeditions to explore new trade routes

8 Reasons for Exploration & Who were the first European Explorers
Reasons for Exploration & Who were the first European Explorers? (part I) Day 2=slides 8-16 Day 2

9 Warm-Up Answer the following question: (write down the questions)
What were the three main countries involves during the early 15th century European Exploration? 2. List some of the technological advances and innovations these countries had.

10 Reasons for Exploration
Scarcity in Europe Overpopulation (lots of people living there) Bubonic plague (diseases killing people & crops) New trade routes to Asia Spices of Asia Main reasons for exploration God + Glory + Gold = Three G’s God-the spread of Christianity Gold-in search of new riches & resources Glory-make country and king powerful (top ruler of the world)

11 Exploration caused… Competition (a race) between Portugal, Spain, and England to find new trade routes. Portugal 1st place = found routes around Africa Spain 2nd place= found routes to Americas and Caribbean England 3rd place= found routes to North America

12 Trade Routes to Asia & India
Europe England Before Exploration Spain Portugal Africa After Exploration Cape of Good Hope Trade Routes to Asia & India

13 European Explorers PORTUGAL: SPAIN: ENGLAND: John Cabot Prince Henry
Bartolomeu Dias Vasco da Gama SPAIN: Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan Amerigo Vespucci ENGLAND: John Cabot

14 Prince Henry (PORTUGAL)
Responsible for early European Exploration son of King John I of Portugal Often called Henry the Navigator 1419 he founded a navigation school in Portugal -mapmakers, shipbuilders, scientists His goal was to find a new trade route and explore the West African coast.

15 Bartolomeu Dias (PORTUGAL)
From Portugal 1488-First European to reach the southern most tip of Africa Cape of Good Hope

16 Vasco da Gama (PORTUGAL)
From Portugal First to sail from Europe to India. Around 1948-He sailed around Africa - Cape of Good Hope and across the Indian Ocean to reach India. Portugal set up trade posts in Africa, India, and China.

17 Who were the first European Explorers?
(part II) Day 3 slides: 16-26 Day 3

18 Write several facts about the following people:
Warm Up Write several facts about the following people: Prince Henry Bartolomeu Dias Vasco da Gama

19 European Explorers PORTUGAL: SPAIN: ENGLAND: John Cabot Prince Henry
Bartolomeu Dias Vasco da Gama SPAIN: Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan Amerigo Vespucci ENGLAND: John Cabot Around Africa West from Africa

20 Christopher Columbus (SPAIN)
Born in Italy, sailed for Spain He wanted to reach India by sailing West (not around Africa) 1492 -The King and Queen of Spain funded Columbus’ voyage. Made four voyages to the Americas. Columbus 3 ships: Niña Pinta Santa Maria

21 Columbus 1st Voyage= DISCOVERY
Columbus thought that he had reached Asia and named his discovery the “West Indies”. but actually he had reached the Caribbean not Asia. He called the people he encountered Indians. Spain later discovers that Columbus had not reached the West Indies.

22 Ferdinand Magellan (SPAIN)
Born in Portugal Sailed for Spain He proved that the new lands, which Columbus called “West Indies” were not Asia.

23 First to circumnavigate the world!
Circumnavigate=to sail around

24 Amerigo Vespucci (SPAIN)
Born in Italy: sailed for Spain. Explored the Americas Claimed that these new lands were not part of Asia. The route to Asia was being blocked by two large continents. North and South America was named after him.

25 John Cabot (ENGLAND) Born in Italy Sailed for England
Made voyages to North America This led to the later founding of English colonies in North America.

26 England Portugal Spain

27 Who were the Native Americans/Indigenous people of the Americas?
Who occupied the Americas before the European Arrival? Day 4 slides: 27-34 Day 4

28 Write several facts about the following people:
Warm-Up Write several facts about the following people: Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan Amerigo Vespucci John Cabot

North America Many different tribes in each geographical region Examples include: Northern USA Iroquois Southern USA Cherokee/Pueblo Indian South America –3 major groups Aztec, Maya, Inca

30 North American Civilizations

31 South American Civilizations

32 Native Indians Agriculture base society (farming)
Planted crops: beans, corn-maize, squash, pumpkins, potatoes, tomatoes, avocado, cacao-chocolate Hunters & Gathers (Animal/Fruits) Arts and Craft Lived in groups of large communities

33 Arts & Craft


35 Outcomes of Exploration
Day 5 Slides: Day 5

36 Warm-Up Fill in the Chart

37 Impacts of Columbus voyages
Marked the beginning of lasting contact between Europe, Africa, and Americas. Devastated the Native American population. Lead to Columbian Exchange: exchange of goods, ideas, disease, etc. between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.


39 Diseases Europe and Americas were two different environments Natives were not immune (resistant) to the diseases they came in contact diseases that the Europeans brought from Europe were much more different from diseases that the natives were immune to. Many Natives died from diseases. Small pox, Malaria much more…

40 The Slave Trade Existed before the Europeans arrived in Africa.
Portuguese replaced European slaves with Africans. Europeans traded with Africans for slaves. (to bring slaves to the new world) Slaves-captives or prisoners of war


42 Outcomes of Exploration
Trade- Europe/Africa/Asia/Americas Conquest (Spanish, English, Portuguese) Colonization: A power that extends control over weaker peoples/area Europeans took political control over the Americas.

43 Conquest & Colonization (examples)
Portugal: Pedro Álvares Cabral (Brazil for Portugal) Spain: Hernan Cortéz (fall of Aztec/Maya) Francisco Pizzaro (fall of Inca) England: Sir Frances Drake (1st to sail around the world completely) Sir Walter Raleigh (1st colony in North America in North Carolina)

44 Outcomes of Exploration
Globalization-international interchange of world views, culture, ideas, and products. Imperialism (after 17th century) Interdependence-The Americas became dependant on the European countries. Transculturation-The blend of cultures creating a new culture.

45 Global Interactions & Impact European exploration had in Europe and the Americas
Day 6 slides: 45-48 Day 6

46 Global Interactions & Impact European exploration had in Europe and the Americas
Quest for new trade routes leads to discovery of “New Lands”.

47 Global Interactions & Impact European exploration had in Europe and the Americas
Impact in Europe: Power, Wealth, Trade & Technological Advances (better maps & circumnavigate ideas) Impact in the Americas: Spread of disease Conversion to Christianity Clash of cultures Transculturation of cultures Colonization & Imperialism Slavery

48 Expansion of Trade= Globalization

49 Why is it important of study The Age of Discovery?
Day 7 slides 49-53 Day 7

50 Write what you have learned about European Exploration
Warm Up Write what you have learned about European Exploration One paragraph or more (must be more than one sentence)

51 Why is it important of study The Age of Discovery?
The outcome of European exploration: Globalization We are able to connect with people from all over the world. Transculturation: Mixture of cultures in the Americas Food, Music, Art & Architecture

52 Transculturation (examples)
Jazz music mix of European and African music Latin Music mix of European/African/Indigenous music And much more music styles…

53 Food Italy Europe Asia South America

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