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The Atlantic Slave Trade

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1 The Atlantic Slave Trade

2 Causes of African Slavery
1. Slavery was already a common institution around the world including Africa. 2. Increased demand/need as a result of disease in America.

3 1. Slavery in Africa Slavery existed in Africa for centuries and increased with the introduction of Islam when Arab traders introduced the practice further. Slaves were treated relatively well in the African system.

4 2. Increased Demand/Need
The death of natives in the Americas made the Europeans desperate for a new source of labor to keep their colonies going. Europe used Africans because they were already immune to disease and had experience in the kind of work required.

5 Spain, Portugal, and Slavery
With Spain and Portugal being the first to colonize the Americas, they were the first to need the labor of slaves. At one point 40% of all imported slaves went to Brazil.

6 Spread of Slavery As England grew in power in size it quickly became the largest importer of slaves. 1.7 Million to its’ island colonies and 400,000 to North America.

7 African Role Many African rulers took part in the slave trade.
Instead of move inland, African groups would bring slaves to the coast.

8 Triangular Trade The trade network that developed between Africa, the Americas, and Europe. Slaves from Africa, Raw Materials from the Americas, Manufactured Goods from Europe.


10 The Middle Passage The voyage that brought new slaves to the Americas.
It is estimated that 20% of enslaved Africans died before making it to America.

11 The Life of A Slave Slaves were auctioned to the highest bidder and worked in a wide range of fields. Slavery became passed down from generation to generation. Numerous slave rebellions took place.

12 Consequences of the Slave Trade
In Africa: Many cultures lost entire generation, families were torn apart, and guns were introduced. In the Americas: African slaves built much of the New World, African culture became a part of American culture, and Europe grew stronger.


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