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The Integrated Campaign

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1 The Integrated Campaign
Chapter 19 The Integrated Campaign

2 The Structure of a Campaign Plan
A campaign, whether advertising or IMC, is a complex set of interlocking, coordinated activities. It is designed strategically to meet a set of objectives and solve some critical problem. It is a short-term plan that usually runs for a year or less. A campaign may: Focus on one specific product attribute or one audience, or May cover a variety of attributes and reach all the audiences.

3 Executive Summary Summary of information in the marketing plan
Summary of advertising objectives Summary of advertising strategy Summary of the budget

4 The IMC Campaign Outline (Tab. 19.2)
I. Situation Analysis The IMC Campaign Outline (Tab. 19.2) VII. The Appropriation and Budget II. SWOT Analysis III. Campaign Strategy IV. Communication Strategy V. Media Plan VI. Marketing Communication Activities

5 What is Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)?
Integrated Marketing Communications is the practice of unifying all marketing communication tools and corporate and brand messages to communicate in a consistent way to and with stakeholder audiences. It is more complex because it considers more message sources, more communication tools, and more audiences.

6 Stakeholder Audiences
Maintaining Consistent Communications to All Stakeholders is Difficult and Works Only If a Company or Brand Has a Focused Business Philosophy or Mission, Clearly Understood Core Values, and a Strong Corporate Culture. Government Regulators Employees Investors Financial Community

7 Consumer & Stakeholder
I. Situation Analysis Product & Company Consumer & Stakeholder Market Analysis Competitive Analysis Industry Analysis Marketplace Analysis The Most Important Research Areas Are:

8 Practical Tips # 1 Conducting Research for a Situation Analysis
Conduct product and company research. Conduct consumer and stakeholder research. Analyze the market. Analyze the competitive situation. Analyze the industry. Analyze the marketplace.

9 II. SWOT Analysis Internal External Factors: Strengths & Weaknesses
Opportunities External Weaknesses & Threats Problem Identification

10 Key Strategic Decisions that Will Guide the
Campaign. III. Campaign Strategy Objectives are Used to Guide the Development of the Campaign’s Strategy by Stating its Goal. Target Audiences are Identified. Positioning Strategy Usually Remains the Same, But Must be Accounted For in the Strategy. Scheduling Strategy Launch, Continuing Campaign, and the Close.

11 IV. Communication Strategy
Message Development Research Copy Testing Is Used to Evaluate the Potential of Various Message Approaches. Creative Theme Big Idea is Tested. Campaign Theme Should Create Synergy. Slogans Can Help. Creative Tactics And Executions Divided Into Two Steps: What the Message Says. How the Message Will Be Executed.

12 Creating Synergy What the Brand Says Synergy Means the Whole
Is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts. Considers Company Mission And Its Performance. How the Company Performs What People Say About the Brand & Company

13 Media Plan The media mix is created by selecting the best combination of media vehicles, non-traditional media, and marketing communication tools to reach the targeted stakeholder audiences. The media plan includes: Media objectives (reach,frequency), Media strategies (targeting, continuity, timing), Media selection (specific vehicles), Geographic strategies, Schedules, and the Media budget.

14 Evaluating the Campaign Plan
Prepare a Proposal Stating How the Campaign will be Evaluated. Evaluation May be the Most Important Step in an Advertising Campaign. Key Part is to Measure a Brand’s Effectiveness Against Its Stated Objectives.

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