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Monroe Doctrine.

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1 Monroe Doctrine

2 Main Points Announced in 1823 when there were 4 nations interested in the Oregon territory American continents (both North and South) were “not to be considered subjects for future colonization by any European powers.” Intended for the world as a statement that the US could take care of itself and that we were not an “England Junior”. Made the United States an isolationist nation.

3 Cartoon #1 1.What is happening in the cartoon?
2.Who does the figure in the foreground represent? 3.Who are the figures in the background? See if you can read the names of nations. 4.What is the message of the cartoon?

4 Cartoon #2 1. Describe what is happening in this cartoon. 2. Who is the figure on the right? 3. Who are the two figures on the left? 4. What is the figure on the right pointing to? 5. What is the message of the cartoon?

5 How will this affect US relations with foreign countries?
This is during the period of imperialism for European nations Most of South America and Mexico were now liberated from Spanish control and were still emerging nations England had strong trade ties with both North and South America After Napoleonic wars were over many of the nations of Europe went back to trying to enlarge their empires.

6 Continued England wanted the US to side with them to prevent other nations from reestablishing claim on the newly freed nations in the western hemisphere. This document becomes the basis for our involvement in Latin America for many years and other presidents will put their own twist or interpretation to it as the need arises.

7 How does this fit in with Manifest Destiny?
If we are an isolationist nation, how can we justify taking the Mexican Cession? This one event shows that we still believe we have a God-given right to all the land between the two oceans. It also creates tension between the US and Mexico into the 20th Century.

8 Question Do you think modern day illegal immigration sentiments are linked to this in any way? Did we become a great and powerful nation at the expense of Mexico?

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