1 PowerPoint Design and Presentation Considerations.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PowerPoint Design and Presentation Considerations."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PowerPoint Design and Presentation Considerations

2 2 Things to Think About Horizontal Format Bullet Points Single Concept Minimum Verbiage Visual Ideas Color Background Fonts

3 3 Horizontal Format The monitor screen is in a 4:3 horizontal format YES NO

4 4 Bullet Points Use bullets for each point of a concept Use builds to control the flow This, then that First, second, third Introduction, Point 1, Point 2, Conclusion Avoid more than 6 bullet points per slide

5 5 Bullet Points - Single Concept Each slide contains one idea or concept The audience can stay with you

6 6 Bullet Points - Minimum Verbiage Use key words and bullets Say the rest Point Point Point Otherwise the audience will read while you talk and may miss an important point

7 7 Visual Ideas Include related graphics Images enter memory faster than words Images give a concrete reference for later recall Use graphics to enhance the point, not just decorate the screen Minimize the “animation” of text and graphics

8 8 Visual Ideas - People remember… 10% of what they read 20% of what they hear 30% of what they see 50% of what they see and hear 70% of what they discuss 80% of what they experience 95% of what they teach someone else

9 9 Color Color can enhance the presentation Maximum of 5 on a slide (except when you’re dealing with pictures) More than 5 is distracting and overwhelming

10 10 Background Blues and tans are good backgrounds White text shows up better on dark backgrounds Dark text on light backgrounds Avoid red and green backgrounds White On Blue Background Black On Tan Background White On Red Background

11 11 Fonts - Types Sans Serif fonts are easier to read online Serif fonts are more legible in print media Berlin Sans Arial Times Georgia You can tell a serif font by it’s feet Limit the number of fonts on a slide to 2

12 12 Fonts - Sizes Size 60 Size 48 Size 36 Size 18 Size 12 Size 9 32 font size is readable in an average classroom that is 25 feet deep This is text is 18 (minimum you want to use) This text is 28 This text is 44

13 13 Practice Check spelling and grammar – There’s nothing worse than seeing a mistake BIG Check you presentation – if possible, do a trial run in the classroom using the computer you will use to present Walk around as you present – don’t stand (hide) behind a podium Use your slides to queue your talk – don’t read a script Be confident – avoid having to apologize

14 14 For More Information/Help Online Help in PowerPoint Online tutorial with examples Online tutorial Microsoft Web Site http://office.microsoft.com/assistance/ Manuals and Books Libraries and Books 24/7

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