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Importance of volunteer training By Andrea Dockeray.

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1 Importance of volunteer training By Andrea Dockeray

2 Induction- Approx 2hours  Checklist (Tick Box).  Housekeeping/Health and Safety.  Tour of site, fire assembly points etc.  Secrecy/confidentiality overview.  Staff and volunteer charter.  CU Membership.  Overview of collection procedure and CU.

3 Session 2 Training Min 2 hours  New volunteer- shadow a confident collector.  Split role into two and swap near end of session.  Continue this until collector is confident at both tasks.  Brief overview of what is Money laundering, where the suspicion form is kept and who the MLO is.  Ongoing training on weekly basis.  Everyone has different abilities some may take longer than others. Be patient with them if this is the case. Remember they are not being paid to do this job!

4 Accredited training  NVQs available via Lakes College  If less than 5 GCSE/ O Level passes C and below.  Customer Service.  Advice and guidance.  Admin and IT.  Level 2 currently available.  Must be volunteering for 3 months or equivalent for a min 2 hours per week.

5 Support/Mentoring  Volunteers are our backbone! Without them we would not be able to function.  Treated exactly the same as paid staff and directors.  Involved in the decision making via questionnaires and Bulletins & regular updates.  Short informal appraisals, acknowledgement of their time  Encouragement to apply for jobs and help with CV writing and offer of a reference if applicable.  Volunteers at all times must feel comfortable and part of the TEAM!  Most of all a thank you goes a long way from directors and staff.

6 Successes at WEDCU  Volunteers have in the last 3 years completed and achieved over 18 NVQs  2 are currently working towards Customer service level 2.  High retention of our volunteers currently over 50 including directors.  Servicing 19 collection points.  9 New volunteers have started in the last 5 months.  5 volunteers have moved into paid employment in last 6 months.  CN newspaper award for Cumbria Best Social enterprise 2011

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