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Modernisation of EU public procurement policy Proposal of the Commission Directive on public procurement (replacing Directive 2004/18/EC) NB: The information.

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Presentation on theme: "Modernisation of EU public procurement policy Proposal of the Commission Directive on public procurement (replacing Directive 2004/18/EC) NB: The information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modernisation of EU public procurement policy Proposal of the Commission Directive on public procurement (replacing Directive 2004/18/EC) NB: The information contained in this presentation is not binding for the European Commission and does not present an official position of the European Commission

2 Objectives of the Reform 24/10/2015 1. Simpler / more flexible procedures 2. Strategic use 3. Better access (SMEs, cross- border trade) 4. Sound procedures 5. Governance / Professionalisation of procurement

3 International context  Full compliance with WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) and bilateral trade agreements (e.g., thresholds, procedures)  Full use of flexibility under GPA (simplified procedures for sub-central authorities, shortening of deadlines,…)

4 Main thematic clusters Flexibilisation of procedures Strategic use of public procurement – Environment – Social aspects – Innovation Reducing documentation requirements E-procurement Facilitating SME access Sound procedures (anti-corruption measures) Governance (oversight)

5 Flexibilisation of procedures  Possibility of increased use of “competitive procedure with negotiation”  Negotiate the quality of the offers, no change to basic parameters of the procurement (subject matter)  GPA – inspired (publish & negotiate)  (GPP – friendly)

6 Strategic use – Green Procurement  The new Directive shall clarify and facilitate the use of GPP  Remove ambiguity when using green criteria:  in technical specifications, qualification criteria and award criteria  Production process (non-bleached paper)  Life-cycle costs (from cradle to grave: CO2 footprint)  Facilitate handling of societal requirements through labels Possibility to refer to a specific label as long as its content is linked to the subject-matter of the product Equivalent labels must be accepted as well Possibility for economic operators to provide alternative evidence where no access to the label in due time

7 Green Procurement as a Business Opportunity Growing trend for the acquisition of environmental friendly goods and services (societal request) Most of the public infrastructure can have better environmental performance Main players: Regional/local contracting authorities (70% of the EU procurement market) – community buildings, schools, health and social care facilities Utilities enterprises: Electricity (renewable energy, windfarms, solar energy) Water supply/Wastewater treatment Transport (green vehicles)

8 Sustainable Procurement in the WTO GPA Strategic use of procurement (green & social,… objectives)varies among the GPA Parties Reconciling “Best value for money” and green & social objectives is not an easy task WTO relevance to harmonise policies and avoid protectionism…… GPA Work Programme on Sustainable Procurement 24/10/2015

9 Strategic use: Social aspects  Sheltered workshops Exception extended to economic operators whose main aim is the social and professional integration of disabled and disadvantaged workers; Reduction from 50% to 30% of the minimum required percentage of disabled or disadvantaged workers

10 Strategic use: Innovation Innovation partnership The contracting authority cooperates with a company – selected in a regular competitive tender procedure (buying the research and the product/service) – for the development and purchase of an innovative product, work or service, which does not exist on the market

11 Reducing documentation requirements  Self-declaration  Only the winning bid submits original docs&proofs

12 E-procurement  Mandatory full electronic availability of tender documents (as from publication)  Fully electronic communication (including submission of tenders)  (Does not include e-evaluation)  mandatory 2 years after transposition deadline (2016)

13 SME access  Division of contracts into lots:  “apply or explain”  obligation to give reasons for not splitting contracts with value equal or greater than thresholds but not less than EUR 500 000

14 SME access  Turnover cap (economic and financial standing): max. 3x the estimated contract value  Possibility for Member States to foresee direct payments to subcontractors:

15 Sound procedures  Minimum safeguards against conflicts of interest and other illicit behaviour: obligation to declare conflicts of interests and take necessary measures  Strengthen rules on abnormally low tenders: obligation to investigate  Clear rules for contract modifications during execution: extra works, change of conditions of execution

16 Governance  Obligation on MS to ensure correct application:  Monitoring of structural problems, legal advice and guidance/assistance, complaints, annual report …  Reinforce mutual assistance and information exchange amongst Member States, using the IMI system

17 Contact European Commission Directorate General Internal Market and Services Directorate C: Public procurement, Unit C 3 World Wide Web: 24/10/2015

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