Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania Bentley & Ziegler, TRADITIONS AND ENCOUNTERS,

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1 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania Bentley & Ziegler, TRADITIONS AND ENCOUNTERS, 2/e

2 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colliding Worlds The Spanish Caribbean Tainos Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

3 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colliding Worlds The Spanish Caribbean Tainos Spanish Arrival Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

4 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colliding Worlds The Spanish Caribbean Tainos Spanish Arrival Smallpox Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

5 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colliding Worlds The Spanish Caribbean Tainos Spanish Arrival Smallpox From Mining to Plantation Agriculture Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

6 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colliding Worlds The Conquest of Mexico and Peru Hernán Cortés Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

7 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colliding Worlds The Conquest of Mexico and Peru Hernán Cortés Epidemic Disease Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

8 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colliding Worlds The Conquest of Mexico and Peru Hernán Cortés Epidemic Disease Francisco Pizzaro Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania Conquistadors decapitate Atahualpa after strangling him, 1533.

9 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colliding Worlds Iberian Empires in the Americas Spanish Colonial Administration Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania European empires and colonies in the Americas about 1700

10 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colliding Worlds Iberian Empires in the Americas Spanish Colonial Administration Portuguese Brazil Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

11 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colliding Worlds Iberian Empires in the Americas Spanish Colonial Administration Portuguese Brazil Colonial American Society Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

12 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colliding Worlds Settler Colonies in North America Foundation of Colonies Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

13 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colliding Worlds Settler Colonies in North America Foundation of Colonies Colonial Government Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

14 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colliding Worlds Settler Colonies in North America Foundation of Colonies Colonial Government Relations with Indigenous Peoples Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

15 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colliding Worlds Settler Colonies in North America Foundation of Colonies Colonial Government Relations with Indigenous Peoples Conflict Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

16 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas The Formation of Multicultural Societies Cabeza de Vaca Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

17 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas The Formation of Multicultural Societies Cabeza de Vaca Mestizo Societies Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

18 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas The Formation of Multicultural Societies Cabeza de Vaca Mestizo Societies The Social Hierarchy Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

19 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas The Formation of Multicultural Societies Cabeza de Vaca Mestizo Societies The Social Hierarchy North American Societies Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

20 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Mining and Agriculture in the Spanish Empire Silver Mining Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

21 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Mining and Agriculture in the Spanish Empire Silver Mining The Global Significance of Silver Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

22 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Mining and Agriculture in the Spanish Empire Silver Mining The Global Significance of Silver The Hacienda Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

23 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Mining and Agriculture in the Spanish Empire Silver Mining The Global Significance of Silver The Hacienda Labor Systems Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

24 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Mining and Agriculture in the Spanish Empire Silver Mining The Global Significance of Silver The Hacienda Labor Systems Resistance to Spanish Rule Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania Offering a letter of complaint to the King of Spain

25 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Sugar and Slavery in Portuguese Brazil The Engenho Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

26 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Sugar and Slavery in Portuguese Brazil The Engenho The Search for Labor Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

27 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Sugar and Slavery in Portuguese Brazil The Engenho The Search for Labor Slavery Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

28 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Fur Traders and Settlers in North America The Fur Trade Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

29 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Fur Traders and Settlers in North America The Fur Trade Effects of the Fur Trade Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

30 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Fur Traders and Settlers in North America The Fur Trade Effects of the Fur Trade Settler Society Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

31 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Fur Traders and Settlers in North America The Fur Trade Effects of the Fur Trade Settler Society Cash Crops Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania Europeans enjoying tobacco

32 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Fur Traders and Settlers in North America The Fur Trade Effects of the Fur Trade Settler Society Cash Crops Indentured Labor Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

33 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Fur Traders and Settlers in North America The Fur Trade Effects of the Fur Trade Settler Society Cash Crops Indentured Labor Slavery in North America Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

34 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Christianity and Native Religions in the Americas Spanish Missionaries Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

35 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Christianity and Native Religions in the Americas Spanish Missionaries Survival of Native Religions Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

36 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Christianity and Native Religions in the Americas Spanish Missionaries Survival of Native Religions The Virgin of Guadalupe Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

37 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Colonial Society in the Americas Christianity and Native Religions in the Americas Spanish Missionaries Survival of Native Religions The Virgin of Guadalupe French and English Missions Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

38 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Europeans in the Pacific Australia and the Larger World Dutch Exploration Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

39 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Europeans in the Pacific Australia and the Larger World Dutch Exploration British Colonists Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

40 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Europeans in the Pacific The Pacific Islands and the Larger World Spanish Voyages in the Pacific Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania Manila galleon route and the lands of Oceania, 1500-1800

41 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Europeans in the Pacific The Pacific Islands and the Larger World Spanish Voyages in the Pacific Guam Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

42 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Europeans in the Pacific The Pacific Islands and the Larger World Spanish Voyages in the Pacific Guam Visitors and Trade Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

43 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Europeans in the Pacific The Pacific Islands and the Larger World Spanish Voyages in the Pacific Guam Visitors and Trade Captain Cook and Hawai’i Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

44 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Sources From The Past: First Impressions of Spanish Forces Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania “Especially did it cause [Monteczuma] to faint away when he heard how the gun, at [the Spaniards’] command, discharged; how it resounded as if it thundered when it went off. It indeed bereft one of strength; it shut off one’s ears.” - The Florentine Codex

45 Copyright ©2002 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Sources From The Past: Captain James Cook on the Hawaiians Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania “No people could trade with more honesty than these people, never once attempting to cheat us, either ashore or along side the ships. Some indeed at first betrayed a thievish disposition, or rather they thought they had a right to any thing they could lay their hand upon, but this conduct they soon laid aside.” - James Cook

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