MAPS ► What is a map? ► Maps are a visual representation of the Earth’s surface, drawn to scale and made for a specific purpose.

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Presentation on theme: "MAPS ► What is a map? ► Maps are a visual representation of the Earth’s surface, drawn to scale and made for a specific purpose."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAPS ► What is a map? ► Maps are a visual representation of the Earth’s surface, drawn to scale and made for a specific purpose.

2 TYPES OF MAPS ► Physical Maps  show the physical (natural) features of an area  Ex.  Elevation  Mountains  Rivers  Deserts  Etc.

3 ► Political Maps  Show the political (man-made) features of an area  Ex.  Countries  Cities  Capitals  Etc. TYPES OF MAPS

4 SPECIAL PURPOSE (THEMATIC) MAPS ► Maps designed for a special purpose ► Ex.  Highway  Climate  Population  Etc.

5 CARTOGRAM ► A Cartogram is a special purpose map that shows the size of a country based on data rather than actual land size. World Energy Consumption

6 ► Components of a map:  T = Title  O = Orientation (Compass)  D = Date  A = Author  L = Legend  S = Scale  I = Index  G = Grid TODALSIG

7 ►W►W►W►Which component tells us the subject of the map? tttthe Title ► Which component tells us the pieces of information we can learn from the map?  the Legend / Key ► Which component indicates direction?  the Compass (Orientation) ► What do we call the lines running north/south and east/west?  the Grid BASIC COMPONENTS OF MAPS

8 ► ► What does scale tell us?   How the map size compares to the size of the actual areaSCALE

9 LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE ► ► What are the imaginary parallel lines that circle the earth called?   Lines of Latitude ► ► 0° Latitude is known as what?   the Equator ► ► Other Important Lines of Latitude:   23.5° N: Tropic of Cancer   23.5° S: Tropic of Capricorn   66° N: Arctic Cirlce   66° S: Antarctic Circle

10 LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE ► ► What are the imaginary lines that run from the North Pole to the South Pole called?   Lines of Longitude ► ► What is the central line of longitude called?   the Prime Meridian

11 ► ► What is the name of the line on the globe to the left? What does it do?   The Equator;   It divides the globe into Northern and Southern Hemispheres ► ► What is the name of the line on the globe to the right? What does it do?   The Prime Meridian;   It divides the globe into Eastern and Western HemispheresHEMISPHERES

12 ► a particular tendency or inclination, especially one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice.BIASDISTORTION ► A change in the shape of an image

13 ► Your assignment is to create a map of your choosing.  Examples: A room @ your home, your home, a classroom of yours, etc. ► Your map should include the following features:  An appropriate Title  A compass rose (Orientation)  The Date the map was created  Your Name (Author)  A Legend or Key GEOGRAPHY ALIVE! MAPS LAB ACTIVITY

14 ► ► How many continents are shown on the map?   Seven ► ► What are their names?   North America   South America   Europe   Africa CONTINENTS AND OCEANS  Asia  Australia  Antarctica ► How many oceans are shown on the map?  Four ► What are their names?  Pacific Ocean  Atlantic Ocean  Indian Ocean  Arctic Ocean

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