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The Grizzly Bear Family Book Vocabulary Day 1. abundant The food was abundant on Thanksgiving since everyone brought so much! More than enough; plentiful.

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Presentation on theme: "The Grizzly Bear Family Book Vocabulary Day 1. abundant The food was abundant on Thanksgiving since everyone brought so much! More than enough; plentiful."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Grizzly Bear Family Book Vocabulary Day 1

2 abundant The food was abundant on Thanksgiving since everyone brought so much! More than enough; plentiful

3 abundant Example: children at school are abundant, animals in wildlife can be abundant Non-example: just enough students to play soccer is not abundant

4 aggressive The dog that lives on the corner is very aggressive because he snaps at us when we walk by. Bold; ready and quick to fight

5 aggressive Example: mean, bossy Non- example: playful, friendly

6 carcass When we drove on the windy mountain road, we noticed the carcass of a coyote that had been hit by a car. The body of a dead animal

7 carcass Example: cows that have been slaughtered for people to buy as steak, etc. Non- example: anything alive

8 caribou We only saw pictures of caribou since that type of deer doesn’t live in the desert. A type of Arctic deer

9 caribou Example: deer Non- Example: horse

10 dominance My mom has dominance over me since whatever she says I have to do! The position of having the most control

11 dominance Example: A team can have dominance over another team. Non- example: If we are a little bit ahead of someone, we are not dominant.

12 subservience My dog is subservient since he is very trained, and will perform on command. The state of being willing to yield to others’ power

13 subservience Example: A dog letting another dog overpower him. Non- example: A student following directions.

14 territory Once we entered the wolves territory he never took his eyes off of us! An area inhabited by an animal or animal group and defended against intruders

15 territory Example: Your home is your territory. Non- example: The mall is not your territory.

16 tundra We call the empty lot next to the school the tundra in the winter since nothing grows there and it always has frozen puddles. A treeless Arctic region where the subsoil is permanently frozen and where only low shrubs, lichens, and mosses can grow.

17 tundra Example: Near mountains in a very cold area Non- example: Sand dunes are not a tundra.

18 wariness There is always a little wariness when my friend brings out her pet snake, since I think it might get loose and bite me! The state of being on one’s guard

19 wariness Example: When you worry about something, and watch out for it. Non- example: I would not be showing wariness if I just jumped right into the water.

20 wilderness I have always wanted to go camping in the wilderness, but my mom doesn’t want to be without running water. Any unsettled region in its natural state

21 wilderness Example: Mountains you can see in the distance where nobody lives Non- example: a vacant lot in your neighborhood

22 Think- Pair- Share What word do you think is the most interesting? Why? Was there a word that you have never heard before?

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