Module 1, Unit 3, Transparency #1 Assisting Students with Disabilities: A Training Program for Paraeducators Module 1, Unit 3: Legal & Ethical Issues.

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1 Module 1, Unit 3, Transparency #1 Assisting Students with Disabilities: A Training Program for Paraeducators Module 1, Unit 3: Legal & Ethical Issues

2 Module 1, Unit 3, Transparency #2 Unit Three: Instructional Objectives The paraeducator will: Understand the value of integration/inclusion Understand the main provisions of these laws: Section 504 IDEA ADA FERPA Understand basic procedures of special education Understand their ethical responsibilities

3 Module 1, Unit 3, Transparency #3 Unit Overview I. Introduction II. Integration/inclusion for people with disabilities III. Legal protections for people with disabilities IV. Ethical standard for paraeducators V. Closing

4 Module 1, Unit 3, Transparency #4 Integration of People with Disabilities Historically, people with disabilities were not valued or respected Segregated from society Widespread maltreatment It was believed that there were no cures & no effective ways to intervene with people with disabilities

5 Module 1, Unit 3, Transparency #5 Integration of People with Disabilities In the ’60s, the movement toward integration began Shock over deplorable conditions within institutions Parents wanting children raised in their homes, in communities The first community-based programs for people with disabilities were established

6 Module 1, Unit 3, Transparency #6 Integration of People with Disabilities Changing principles & values The “Developmental Assumption” – all people can learn & grow “Normalization” – people with disabilities benefit from an environment as close to “normal” as possible

7 Module 1, Unit 3, Transparency #7 Integration of People with Disabilities Non-disabled people benefit from living & working among people with disabilities Development of meaningful relationships with them Realization that they are “people first” Decreased harmful societal stereotypes

8 Module 1, Unit 3, Transparency #8 Legal Protections Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Comparable educational services for students with disabilities Applies to a broad range of disabilities Services, devices, & adjustments must be provided so student can benefit from instruction

9 Module 1, Unit 3, Transparency #9 Legal Protections Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Requires a free, appropriate public education for ALL students Schools must identify students who need services Services are decided by a team, and documented within an IEP Parents are involved & have “due process” rights Services are provided within the “least restrictive environment”

10 Module 1, Unit 3, Transparency #10 Legal Protections Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Intended to increase access to a broad range of settings (education, employment, transportation, etc.) Describes alterations/ accommodations that must be made, in order to ensure that people with disabilities can be fully integrated into American life

11 Module 1, Unit 3, Transparency #11 Legal Protections Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Access to records is limited to people with a vested, educational interest in a student Written parental consent is required for disclosure Parents have the right to review school records & to request a hearing to challenge any information contained in the records

12 Module 1, Unit 3, Transparency #12 Legal Protections Special Education Procedures Paraeducators often involved in implementing teacher- developed assessment & intervention plans for students in special education There is a structured process for referral, evaluation, & placement (see Handout)

13 Module 1, Unit 3, Transparency #13 Ethical Standards Ethical behavior is behavior that shows a high regard for the rights of others Some important ethical principles for paraeducators: Maintaining a respectful demeanor (staying calm, professional, using appropriate language)

14 Module 1, Unit 3, Transparency #14 Ethical Standards Important paraeducator ethical principles (cont.): Confidentiality (keep information private, especially from friends, family, & other students) Contributing to positive school- community relations (be a positive representative of the school & community, and be a conscientious worker)

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