Northumberland 2015 Information meeting for parents.

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Presentation on theme: "Northumberland 2015 Information meeting for parents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Northumberland 2015 Information meeting for parents

2 Dates and times Monday 15 th June 2015- Friday 19 th June 2015 Depart: 8.15am Children should arrive in school at 8.00am and go to the hall. Parents please wait outside with main luggage or put straight on the coach if it is here. Return: 4.30pm ish on Friday

3 Staff Visit Leader: Ms Gemma Parkin Deputy Leader: Mrs Ita Tittershil Accompanying adults: Mrs Anne Harrison Mrs Helen Carlsson All staff have had Local Authority ‘Visit and Journeys Leader Training’ This is a ratio of one adult to every 5.5 children.

4 Travel We will be travelling with Lambs coaches. The coach will stay with us for the week. Ian will be our driver!

5 Destination Broomley Grange Hindley Road Stocksfield, Northumberland NE43 7RX

6 Insurance cover The ‘key facts’ document for the school journey insurance was attached to the letter for this meeting. A full copy of the policy is available on the website.

7 Accommodation Accommodation is in Broomley Grange- all rooms are in the same building. Bedrooms sleep between 4 - 8 children- these will be single sex. Children will nominate 2 children who they wish to share a room with- I will guarantee they will have one of those in their room.

8 Meal arrangements Please provide a packed lunch on day 1- which is in your child’s day bag- NOT suitcase! All other meals are provided. Breakfast: Tues-Fri Packed Lunch: Tues-Fri Sandwiches ordered from a choice of fillings the night before, drink, fruit, crisps and a homemade sweet treat! Evening Meal: Mon- Thurs Please limit the number of ‘goodies’ you pack your child with! (No chewing gum or lollies please)

9 Code of conduct Exemplary behaviour is of course expected of all children at all times. Failure to do so may result in the child returning home.

10 Activities planned Risk assessments for all activities will be available for you to look at if you wish. Monday York Chocolate Story: tour and workshop- including making and decorating their own edible souvenir. Tuesday Seahouses, Farne Island boat trip, Embleton Bay walk to Dunstanburgh Castle & Craster. Wednesday Roman Army Museum, Hadrian’s wall, Housesteads Fort. Thursday Beamish museum. Friday Time in Carlisle including Carlisle Castle and return home

11 Kit list Please NAME everything! See kit list provided. Please pack for all eventualities- sun, wind and rain, children will need a hat. Children will need a day back pack with space for waterproofs etc

12 Weather Obviously (!) it will be glorious weather so please provide your child with appropriate sun cream and ensure they know how to apply it. Staff will help if necessary- please see me if you don’t want your child to have help with this.

13 Pocket money Souvenir/ gift shops are available at most of the locations visited. There may also be a shop selling sweets, postcards and souvenirs at Broomley Grange-staffing dependent. You may provide your child with pocket money if you wish. This is to be no more than £4 day (in change). Please put this in 4 separate named envelopes and bring into school on Thursday 11 th June. A pool table is available at Broomley Grange and a 50p coin is needed should your child wish to play. Please give your child £4 spending money for day 1 in their day back pack.

14 Items prohibited No mobile phones. No other electrical equipment including: hairdryer hair straighteners Ipod (or similar) Nintendo DS (or similar) Digital cameras/ chargers for these are fine but at your own risk- I advise disposable cameras. No spray deodorant- it sets the alarms off! Roll-on only please. No chewing gum or fizzy drinks or lolly pops

15 Medication All medication should be handed to Ms Parkin on Thursday 11 th June. This should be clearly named with details of dose and time to be administered. I will take a collection of Calpol, antihistamine etc so you don’t need to provide these ‘just in case’

16 Travel sickness Please administer the appropriate dose to your child on Monday morning. The week will involve some other significant journeys on the coach so please also provide further medication for every day. If any information provided on the medical form (eg hayfever, travel sickness) is different or changes- please see me ASAP so the relevant documents can be signed.

17 Emergency contact arrangements Please contact school in case of an emergency at this end. Do not phone Broomley Grange. A school text will be sent early evening on Monday and where possible during each day…Your child's welfare is the most important thing and will come before sending any messages. A text will be sent with an E.T.A on Friday If any of your contact details change prior to the visit please see me to update them.

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