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Bellwork Aug. 10, 2015 Copy and answer.

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1 Bellwork Aug. 10, 2015 Copy and answer.
Think of a time when you got in trouble with a group of people. Did all of you tell the story of what happened the same exact way? Why or why not?

2 Standard/EQ ELAGSE7RL6 Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text. ELAGSE7L4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 7 reading content, choosing flexibility from a range of strategies. ELAGSE7W10 Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of discipline specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. Essential Question/I Can: I can define perspective.

3 Activator/Hook The Three Little Pigs Video: Disney’s Three Little Pigs Video (8:30) Discuss: From whose perspective was the story told? How would the story change if it were told from the perspective of another character?

4 Mini Lesson On your paper, draw a frayer diagram like the one below.
In the middle circle, write: perspective. In the four squares we will: define, draw a picture, use the term in a sentence, and give a synonym. Define: the narrator's position in relation to the story being told Draw a picture. PERSPECTIVE Synonym Use the term in a sentence.

5 Answer: On your paper, draw a frayer diagram like the one below.
Define: the narrator's position in relation to the story being told Draw a picture. Student responses will vary. PERSPECTIVE Use the term in a sentence. From the three little pigs perspective, the wolf was scary. Synonym: Point of view

6 Work Session Read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by A. Wolf
After reading the story, choose a character from the story other than the wolf. Using a particular scene that you can remember, write that part of the story using your character’s perspective about what is happening in the story. How does perspective change when a different character tells the story? Criteria: 1paragraphs long with 5 sentences. Circle/underline words that show perspective (Personal Pronouns). For example: I, You, it, me, my, your, they, them, their. When you complete your story, identify if you wrote in 1st or 3rd person. (1st person – I, Me, My) (3rd person-He, She,They)

7 Extension Share stories.

8 Closing Ticket out the door: Using the sticky note provided, define perspective in your own words. When I call your row to leave, you may place your ticket on my door.

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