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Tempus IV – 4th Call for Proposals BUDŽET ZA SRBIJU 6.300.000 € KOFINANSIRANJE 10% od ukupne vrednosti projekta – “at least 10% of the total eligible costs.

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Presentation on theme: "Tempus IV – 4th Call for Proposals BUDŽET ZA SRBIJU 6.300.000 € KOFINANSIRANJE 10% od ukupne vrednosti projekta – “at least 10% of the total eligible costs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tempus IV – 4th Call for Proposals BUDŽET ZA SRBIJU 6.300.000 € KOFINANSIRANJE 10% od ukupne vrednosti projekta – “at least 10% of the total eligible costs of the project” ROK ZA PRIJAVU 15. februar 2011. godine, do 12:00 časova

2 Tempus IV – 4th Call for Proposals PRIORITETI Nacionalni prioriteti – JOINT projekti CURRICULAR REFORM - Modernisation of curricula with 3 cycle structure, ECTS and degree recognition GOVERNANCE REFORM – no priorities HES - Training of nonuniversity teachers - Training courses for public services (ministries, regional/local authorities) - Qualifications frameworks

3 Tempus IV – 4th Call for Proposals PRIORITETI Nacionalni prioriteti – STRUCTURAL MEASURES projekti GOVERNANCE REFORM – University management and student services - Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability - Equal and transparent access to higher education - Development of international relations HES - Training of nonuniversity teachers - Development of lifelong learning in society at large - Qualifications frameworks

4 Tempus IV – 4th Call for Proposals PRIORITETI Regionalni prioriteti – JOINT projekti CURRICULAR REFORM - Modernisation of curricula with 3 cycle structure, ECTS and degree recognition GOVERNANCE REFORM – University management and student services - Introduction of quality assurance - Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability - Development of international relations HES - Development of partnerships with enterprises - Knowledge triangle: education-innovationresearch - Training courses for public services (ministries,regional/local authorities) - Development of lifelong learning in society at large - Qualifications frameworks

5 Tempus IV – 4th Call for Proposals PRIORITETI Regionalni prioriteti – STRUCTURAL MEASURES projekti GOVERNANCE REFORM – University management and student services - Introduction of quality assurance - Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability - Equal and transparent access to higher education HES - Development of partnerships with enterprises - Development of lifelong learning in society at large - Knowledge triangle: educationinnovation-research - Training courses for public services (ministries,regional/local authorities) - Qualifications frameworks

6 Tempus IV – 4th Call for Proposals DOKUMENTA ZA APLIKACIJU Application form (the eForm): (to be published by December 2010) Declaration of Honour by Legal Representative of Applicant Organisation (to be published by December 2010) Detailed Workplan and Budget tables (to be published by December 2010) Logical Framework Matrix (to be published by December 2010) Mandates (signed by a rector) Legal Entity Form: (applicant organisation only). Downloaded from Financial Identification Form: (applicant organisation only). Downloaded from

7 Tempus IV – 4th Call for Proposals PROCEDURE ZA APLIKACIJU Za potpisivanje mandata neophodno uraditi sledeće: 1.Prethodno uneti osnovne podatke o predlogu projekta u bazu Univerziteta (naziv i kratak opis projekta,kontakt osoba sa Univerziteta/fakulteta, ukupni planirani budžet i suma koju dobija Univerzitet, partnerske institucije). 2.Dostaviti mandate rektoratu Univerziteta 3.Rektor potpisuje mandate, ukoliko su svi traženi podaci dostupni preko baze podataka.

8 Tempus IV – 4th Call for Proposals

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