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What act of terror made the Nazi anti-Semitic program a clear reality? Kristallnacht.

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2 What act of terror made the Nazi anti-Semitic program a clear reality? Kristallnacht

3 What was appeasement? Britain & France’s policy of giving Hitler small pieces of territory to keep him happy

4 What kinds of propaganda were used by the Nazis? Who was their minister of propaganda? marches, rallies, radio, print; Joseph Goebbels

5 What was the Nazis’ economic policy? Gear all production toward strong military state

6 At what point before WWII did Hitler say he was “done” adding territory? after Sudetenland

7 Where did Hitler look for territory after Czechoslovakia? Poland

8 What treaty guaranteed his security on the eastern front? Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

9 Why did the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor? the U.S cut off shipments of oil

10 What was the Vichy government? controlled non-occupied France during WWII

11 What event led to hardships on the German homefront? failure of Soviet Invasion

12 Name two places Hitler took territory before the war started. Czechoslovakia, Austria, Rhineland

13 What event started the war in Europe? Germany’s invasion of Poland

14 How long did it take Germany to conquer Western Europe at the start of the war? 9 months (9/39-6/40)

15 What was the Battle of Britain (or Blitz)? massive German air raids over a period of months in 1940

16 What law allowed us to provide supplies for Great Britain while remaining neutral? Lend-Lease Act

17 What was the Atlantic Charter? An agreement on war goals between Churchill and Roosevelt signed in 8/41 (before we entered the war

18 Where did the U.S. enter the fighting in the war against Germany? North Africa

19 What offensive operation by the Germans eventually helped lead to their downfall? invasion of the USSR

20 What was the Allied invasion of Normandy called? D-Day/Op. Overlord

21 How long did it take the Japanese to establish control of the entire Western Pacific? 5 months (12/41-4/42)

22 What two kinds of fighting were most common in the Pacific? naval air battles & amphibious assaults (island hopping)

23 What battle was considered the turning point in the Pacific? Midway

24 Where did the Japanese resort to the greatest amount of kamikaze activity? Why was this island geographically significant? Okinawa, less than 500 miles from Japan

25 What was the name of the program to create the A-Bomb? Where did many of it’s scientists come from? Manhattan Project, Europe – which they left because of anti-Semitism

26 What were Truman’s two main options to defeat Japan? invasion or A-Bomb

27 On what two cities was the A- Bomb dropped? Hiroshima & Nagasaki

28 Identify two things that were controversial about the use of the A-Bomb. used on civilians, radiation, start arms race, unknown effects

29 Where was the next major campaign after winning in North Africa? Why was it difficult to fight there? Sicily (Italy), rugged mountainous terrain

30 What did we use to attack German manufacturing and military centers from 1942 until the end of the war? Long range Bombers

31 What was so difficult about attacking Omaha beach on D- Day? Faced a big cliff and a shallow beach

32 What invasion marked the beginning of the end for the Germans in Europe? D-Day/Operation Overlord

33 What was the last major German counter attack? Battle of the Bulge

34 Name two places where the Big 3 met to discuss post war plans. Tehran, Yalta, & Potsdam

35 Name two things the U.S. wanted from the Soviets at Yalta. in the U.N., out of Eastern Europe, help vs, Japan

36 Name two things the Soviets wanted out of us and the British at Yalta. Friendly satellite states in Eastern Europe, reparations and forced labor from the Germans

37 How did WWII solve the problems of the Great Depression? boosted production & wages, created full employment

38 How did the governments raise money for the war effort? Selling war bonds

39 Name two goods that were rationed during WWII. rubber, gasoline, sugar, flour, meat products

40 Identify three uses for propaganda. recruit for war effort, conserve/ration, don’t blab, hate the enemy, believe in our cause, stay united

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