Introduction to Omeka. What is Omeka? - An Open Source web publishing platform - Used by libraries, archives, museums, and scholars through a set of commonly.

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1 Introduction to Omeka

2 What is Omeka? - An Open Source web publishing platform - Used by libraries, archives, museums, and scholars through a set of commonly recognizable standards - Build many different types of sites Display collections Build exhibits Create teaching sites

3 Introduction to Omeka Examples of other Open Source web publishing platforms – WordPress (originated as a blogging program, text-based) – Drupal (longer setup and planning time)

4 Introduction to Omeka Omeka’s interface is similar to Wordpress – From the Admin panel you can change the look and feel of your site by using theme templates. – Uses a mySQL database, PHP, and CSS – Allows user to modify theme templates by going into the CSS files.

5 Introduction to Omeka Advantages to using OPEN SOURCE WEB PUBLISHING – FREE! You don’t have to purchase or install software on your computer – There’s a community of Omeka users that share information – You can search the Omeka website for the information you need and usually find the answers. – There’s documentation and tutorials on how to add items, manage themes, upgrade announcements at Disadvantages – There’s no user manual – Difficult installation and no tech support – You need to search for the answers.

6 Introduction to Omeka Why use Omeka vs. WordPress? Searchable Built in Dublin Core metadata capabilities Dublin Core Fields conform to internationally implemented metadata standards Create collections Build exhibits with a drag and drop exhibit builder plug-in

7 Introduction to Omeka ITEMS In omeka, you store “items”. Item are either digital resources – images – video or something non-digital of which you are storing a digital representation of – person – event

8 Introduction to Omeka 2 Aspects to Items The item itself which is the collection of files The metadata about the items – Metadata is a description that can be attached to a “record”. – These item-specific Dublin Core metadata fields can be changed using the web interface

9 Introduction to Omeka Dublin Core Metadata Title Subject Description Type Source Creator, publisher, contributor Rights, date, format

10 Introduction to Omeka Omeka Item Types Sound A resource whose content is primarily intended to be rendered as audio. Still Image A static visual representation. Examples of still images are: paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Website A resource comprising of a web page or web pages and all related assets ( such as images, sound and video files, etc. ).

11 Introduction to Omeka Omeka Item Types Event A non-persistent, time-based occurrence. Metadata for an event provides descriptive information that is the basis for discovery of the purpose, location, duration, and responsible agents associated with an event. Examples include an exhibition, webcast, conference, workshop, open day, performance, battle, trial, wedding, tea party, conflagration.

12 Introduction to Omeka Omeka Item Types Person An individual, biographical data, birth and death, etc. Interactive Resource A resource requiring interaction from the user to be understood, executed, or experienced. Examples include forms on Web pages, applets, multimedia learning objects, chat services, or virtual reality environments

13 Introduction to Omeka Omeka Item Types Email A resource containing textual messages and binary attachments sent electronically from one person to another or one person to many people. Lesson Plan Instructional materials. Hyperlink Title, URL, Description or annotation.

14 Introduction to Omeka Omeka Item Types Person An individual, biographical data, birth and death, etc. Interactive Resource A resource requiring interaction from the user to be understood, executed, or experienced. Examples include forms on Web pages, applets, multimedia learning objects, chat services, or virtual reality environments

15 Introduction to Omeka Build your archive by adding items to your Omeka site Omeka has items. Omeka also has files. They attach to items. Omeka sometimes needs to collectively refer to items and types.

16 Introduction to Omeka File Storage The “archive” directory stores files. The original is in “files”. Derivative files are in – “thumbnails” – “fullsize” – “square_thumbnails”

17 Introduction to Omeka Omeka Tags Enables you to tag items with keywords to help users navigate your site. A tag is a way for Omeka to group items together. Each item can have multiple tags and each tag can item can have multiple tags.

18 Introduction to Omeka You can add pages to your site and bring in You Tube videos

19 Introduction to Omeka Core functions extended through plugins ability to batch import (need to add what other plugins do and screenshot from admin panel)etc.

20 Introduction to Omeka Examples of sites using Omeka

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