Key Knowledge: A range of strategies developed by the World Health Organization and the United Nations as well as governments and non government organisations.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Knowledge: A range of strategies developed by the World Health Organization and the United Nations as well as governments and non government organisations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Knowledge: A range of strategies developed by the World Health Organization and the United Nations as well as governments and non government organisations to optimise health and development globally, with particular emphasis on primary health care.

2  For several decades a range of key agencies – government related such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization and AusAid and non government like World Vision and Red Cross have been engaged in the battle to improve global health. One of their most important roles is with the provision of aid to countries in need.

3  Emergency Relief Aid: This type of aid involves sending medicine, food, temporary shelter and other immediate requirements to areas that are experiencing disaster. Bilateral Aid: This type of aid is given to one government from another and usually makes up the largest part of the aid a country receives (strategic reasons/political) Multilateral Aid: Governments of developed countries give money to organisations such as the WHO and the UN which in turn use is to fund programs to improve health. Multilateral aid has the potential to reach many people in need as these agencies are active in many parts of the world. Non Government Aid: Provide aid directly to the communities in which they are working in developing countries. Such aid usually supports projects that focus on community development and participation

4  The UN is a major provider of emergency relief and longer term assistance.  The purpose of the UN is to:  Maintain international peace and security  Develop friendly relations among nations  Cooperate in solving international economic, social, cultural and humanitarian problems in promotion respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.  The UN responds to natural and man made disasters (floods, drought, storms, earthquakes, famines, refugees, conflicts)

5  The United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is an agency of the UN whose task is to help children in poverty in developing countries. Projects include improving sanitation and safe water, monitoring and promoting children’s growth, addressing conditions such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and maternal malnutrition of all which have an impact on children.

6  Is an example of the action to achieve the first of the Millenium Development Goals. It is the UN frontline agency mandated to combat global hunger which afflicts one out of every seven people on Earth.

7  In 2002 the UN released the UN Millenium Development Goals. By the Year 2015 all United Nations Member States have pledged to meet the goals:  1Eradicate extrememe poverty and hunger  2.Achieve universal primary education  3.Promote gender equality and empower women  4. Reduce child mortality  5.Improve maternal healht  6.Combat HIV/AIDS malaria and other diseases  7.Ensure environmental sustainability  8.Develop a global partnership for development  Each is met by a measure of achievement e.g. Aim to reduce hunger by half

8  G o to one of the following sites  1. UNICEF at  2.WFP at  3.UNIFEM at (economic security and rights link)  Note the following  A) the name and location of the agency implementing this strategy  b) the name of the program  C)the aims of the program  D)the people at whom the strategy is aimed  E) Key activities  F) Outcomes noted  Give a brief oral report to the class.

9  Is a permanent body within the UN system and its task is to help children living in poverty in developing countries. More specifically UNICEF is mandated by the UN General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.  UNICEF has many projects e.g.  Improving sanitation in India  Providing safe water in communities  Stopping the cycle of poverty in poor communities  Protecting the environment  Promoting human rights for women and children  Monitoring and promoting childrens growth  Addressing a range of conditions that impact on children and families such as HIV/AIDS maternal malnutrition and low birth weight, food shortages and malaria.  SEE INTEREST BOX 12.4 AHHD  Complete ACTIVITY 12.11 P 427 AAHD

10  Is an agency of the UN. WHO collects health data to help countries set priorities and plan action. It helps countries to deal with new health threats such as SARS. It also plays a role in health promotion, such as tobacco control in developing countries.  Complete activity 12.2 AHHD

11  Governments of developed countries can provide financial aid, technical assistance and health care workers to developing countries. The Australian government provides this through the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)

12  The Australian governments overseas aid program is managed through AusAID. AusAID works with other governments, the UN and NGO’S to set up projects in developing countries. Projects with NGO’S have included providing drinking water to remote villages in Papua New Guinea and education programs for women and girls in East Timor.

13  For remote villagers along the South Fly River in Western Provence, getting water in the dry season often means a long trip inland or a journey by boat across Torres Strait to Australian Islands. The Australian government is working with villagers and Western Provence officials to provide a minimal level of dribkable water to some of the villagers along the Torres Strait. Steel constructions have been erected with 9000 litre polyprophylene water tanks attached to them to catch rain water. This has relieved the burden of villagers to walk hours to collect water.

14  In the small towns of Suai and Ainaro, group of women and girls gather throughout the day to learn the age old crafts of cooking, baking, sewing and emboridery. They have been brought together bu Canossian nuns to learn the skills that will enable them to earn a living and increase their self confidence. The Australian government has funded this small aid project. Funding has been used to buy the sewing and cooking materials and the income raised from the sale of the sewn articles is used to support the operation and maintain the equipment.  SEE AusAID website – Watch ‘East Timor’ Clip. Watch ‘Health Delivery PNG’ clip.

15  To find out more about AusAid read p350/1/2 and answer Activity 14.1

16  The Australian government’s aid contribution is.25% of GDP (The UN target is.7% of GDP). Australia is one of the lowest rated OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries for development assistance.

17  Australia gives aid:  To help developing countries  To promote peace and stability in the region which improves regional security.  To create business for Australian companies which improves the Australian economy.

18  Read p 353 and complete Activity 14.2  Also read p353-358.

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