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THREE TYPES OF GOVERNMENT. QUESTION…. How do we (people in general) make decisions as a group?

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Presentation on theme: "THREE TYPES OF GOVERNMENT. QUESTION…. How do we (people in general) make decisions as a group?"— Presentation transcript:


2 QUESTION…. How do we (people in general) make decisions as a group?


4 AUTHORITARIAN GOV. Types of Government 3 types: Authoritarian, consensual and democratic. 1)Authoritarian -Uses very little input from others. -Often dominated by one person called a ‘dictator.’ -Can be positive if they carry out the will of the people. -Do not tolerate opposition to their rule. -Rely upon military, informers, and secret police to eliminate opposition. (coercion or force) -May control the media, schools, and public events to build support for their policies. Eg: Nazi Germany



7 1945: POST WORLD WAR 2 Prior to 1945 during WW2: Japan controls Korea. - After WW2: Japan loses all of its colonies. - An agreement is made between the United States and the Soviet Union to split Korea in half. - We still see this division today.

8 SUPREME LEADERS OF NORTH KOREA Sung (Grandfather) -Ruled North Korea until 1994 -Kim Jong-il (Father)Ruled until 2011 -Kim Jong-un (son) Present lead

9 NORTH KOREA ARMY North Korea Has the 4th Largest Standing Army in the World -It has the largest reserve army in the world!


11 - North Korea has only 1 news network called the Korean Central News Agency. - No foreign journalists are allowed in the country. Only 'tourists' are allowed entry. - Although freedom of expression and press are stated in their Constitution, it is allowed only to praise the government or leader (contradictory in nature).

12 2) CONSENSUS Found in traditional Aboriginal cultures prior to European contact throughout North America. -The people (men, women, elders and youth) discussed an issue until everyone agreed to accept a resolution.

13 3)DEMOCRATIC -Decisions are made based on the will of the people. -The majority decision in elections is how leaders are chosen. -Opposition is tolerated. Individuals, media and other political parties have 'freedoms'. -Opposition and criticism are part of this system. -Eg: Canada, the United States, South Korea -Citizens can vote and hold office.

14 THE ORIGINS OF DEMOCRACY Does anyone know where democracy was created? _____________________ The Pnyx - Was the large rock where the assembly met to make decisions. - This place is called the 'birthplace of democracy.' - The rock is just large enough to fit 6,000 people on it.

15 LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT IN CANADA 3 levels: 1)Federal 2)Provincial/Territorial 3)Local/Municipal

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