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1791-1801 Washington/John Adams The election of 1800.

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1 1791-1801 Washington/John Adams The election of 1800

2 Problems at Home Native Americans in the Northwest Territory Gw Sends the Army Natives Supported by the British Finally defeated near Toledo Ohio at the battle of the Fallen Timbers. 1791 General Anthony Wayne

3 Why did the British Support the Natives? Trading in area Treaty of Greenville: 1795 12 tribes agree to give to the U.S. Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Most of Ohio to the U.S. Govt

4 Backcountry Farmers Grew Corn and Turned it into Whiskey In 1794 Congress passed a tax on whiskey sellers Whiskey was used like cash for many farmers who would trade the whiskey for goods. Summer of 1794 Farmers staged the Whiskey Rebellion in Western PA They attacked and burned the home of the regional tax collector. Then, threatened an armed attack on Pittsburgh

5 Hamilton and General Henry Lee 13,000 troops led into Western PA Rebellion dispersed 20 accused leaders captured Why was this defeat of the Whiskey Rebellion and its leaders so important?

6 The French Revolution On February 6 1778 the U.S. and France entered into a treaty. In 1789 The French Revolution took place. By 1793 Revolution had become very violent King Louis the 16 th and his Wife were executed that same Year.

7 The French Revolution What do you suppose the other countries in Europe did in regards to the French Revolution? They felt it was a threat so France declared war on them. Spain, Britain, Holland

8 The French Revolution U.S. Remains Neutral British Trade too vital British Started Seizing our cargo ships French were upset with us. Why didn’t we get involved in the war?

9 The Wars in Europe Jay’s Treaty: Brits would pay for damages to seized ships, would leave the Ohio River Valley Did not agree to leave fur trading on U.S. Canadian Border. Did not open the Caribbean to American Trade People were angry with this treaty Pickney’s Treaty: Right to travel freely on the Mississippi. U.S. goods could be stored in New Orleans without paying a customs duty 31 st Parallel

10 Washington Retires Washington sets yet another __________ by retiring after a two terms. What are his reasons for doing this? Unity behind Washington. Not Adams Wrote his famous ________ _________ probably written by his right hand man ______ ___________ Steer clear of foreign entanglements. Was criticized for Jay’s Treaty and not _________ the French Revolution.

11 Washington/Hamilton

12 Political Differences You don’t mess around with GW Nobody seriously opposed him while he was president on anything. Federalists and Democratic-Republicans

13 Federalists Strong National Government Loose interpretation of the Constitution. Favored a national bank Economy based on trade with other countries Did not support French Revolution Hamilton, Adams, Washington (in everything but name)

14 Democratic –Republicans Weak National Government Strict interpretation of the Constitution No National Bank Agrarian economy Jefferson, Madison

15 Election of 1796

16 John Adams Wins! Problems Under the Constitution Thomas Jefferson was his Vice President. What are some potential problems here? France seized U.S. Ships. Many Americans called for war with France. Why was France T.O’d at us?

17 France Adams determined to maintain peace at all costs. Sent Charles Pinckney, Elbridge Gerry, and John Jay to France to meet with the French minister of foreign affairs.

18 XYZ Affair Three foreign aides of Prince Tallyrand Mr. X, Mr. Y, and Mr. Z Demanded loans to France and bribe for the French Foreign Minister Prince Tallyrand.

19 XYZ Cartoon

20 Adams Responds Starts to build up amry and the navy “Millions for Defense, not one cent for tribute” Money for the Armed Forces came from Congress All treaties with France were voided Americans started to employ privateers again. By 1800 we had captured 86 French ships! Yay!

21 Alien and Sedition Acts

22 Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions Could decide which laws were _____________ issues and which could the Federal Government impose on the _____________ Nullification.

23 Peace with France Signed the Convention of 1800 with France Adams resumed peace talks when fellow federalists wanted him to _______ to ______ Signed agreements with ____________ the new __________ or France. Even though he created peace. He lost the election of ______ to former friend ________ _____________.

24 Get with a partner Create a poster in support of a stronger Army and Navy Be sure your poster has images and text. You have till the end of the hour! LOL

25 Alien and Sedition Acts Target Aliens or __________ or ;folks that spoke out against the United States. Citizenship waiting Period went from ___ to _____ years. Outlawed sedition __________ Democratic – Republican Newspapers were jailed. Federalists wanted to _____________ the opposition.

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