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Burlington Township High School Middle States Excellence By Design Planning Committee Update October 1, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Burlington Township High School Middle States Excellence By Design Planning Committee Update October 1, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Burlington Township High School Middle States Excellence By Design Planning Committee Update October 1, 2009

2 Tasks Completed by the EBD Planning Team Phase I Appointment of Internal Coordinators Appointment of Planning Team Communication with Faculty, Staff, and Community via: –Mail –E-mail –EBD WikiEBD Wiki –Faculty Meetings

3 Phase II Creation of Mission Statement Creation of Statement of Beliefs Creation of Profile of the Graduate Establishing Twelve Subcommittees Tasks Completed by the EBD Planning Team

4 Mission Statement The Burlington Township School District will develop the intellectual, creative, and social potential of each child through an active partnership with all members of the community. Tasks Completed by the EBD Planning Team

5 Statement of Beliefs WE BELIEVE... That all students learn based on their individual styles. That the school community establishes a safe, secure, and positive climate. That mutual respect and appreciation of diversity enriches a community. Tasks Completed by the EBD Planning Team

6 Profile of the Graduate The BTHS graduate will: Show respect toward self and others in a personal and professional environment. Think critically in order to adapt and apply knowledge to new situations. Be an effective communicator. Have knowledge of emerging technologies. Participate productively and ethically as a member of our democratic society.

7 Tasks Completed by the HS Faculty Faculty Indication of Support / Non-support of Mission Statement Faculty Indication of Agreement / Disagreement with Statement of Beliefs Faculty Indication of Agreement / Disagreement with Profile of the Graduate Faculty Internal Scan Faculty External Scan

8 Tasks Completed by the Subcommittees Collection of Artifacts and Evidence Analysis of Internal Scan Analysis of External Scan Analysis of Parent Survey Analysis of Student Survey Narrative Report Recommendations

9 Phase III Developing the Profile of the School and Its Community Context of the School Profile of Student Performance Profile of Organizational Capacity Tasks Completed by the HS Administrative Team

10 Phase IV Identifying Priorities with Three to Five Measurable Objectives Tasks Completed by the HS Administrative Team Phase V Developing an Action Plan Appointing Implementation Teams

11 Goal: By the year 2016, all students at Burlington Township High School will demonstrate increased academic proficiency in Mathematics as measured by: 100% of all students will achieve proficiency on the State exit examination in Mathematics Goals for Accreditation Action Plan for Goal #1

12 Baseline Data for Goal #1 Cohort 1: 2009 NJASK 8 = 75.1% of the students in the Class of 2013 demonstrated proficiency in mathematics Sub Groups: Special Education = 27.5% demonstrated proficiency African American = 62.2% demonstrated proficiency Economically Disadvantaged = 52.3% demonstrated proficiency

13 Baseline Data for Goal #1 Cohort 2: 2009 S-Test 9 = 67% of the students in the Class of 2012 demonstrated proficiency in mathematics Sub Groups: Special Education = % demonstrated proficiency African American = % demonstrated proficiency Economically Disadvantaged = % demonstrated proficiency

14 Baseline Data for Goal #1 Cohort 3: 2009 S-Test 10 = 64.7% of the students in the Class of 2011 demonstrated proficiency in mathematics Sub Groups: Special Education = % demonstrated proficiency African American = % demonstrated proficiency Economically Disadvantaged = % demonstrated proficiency

15 Baseline Data for Goal #1 Cohort 4: 2009 HSPA = 79.5% of the students in the Class of 2010 demonstrated proficiency in mathematics Sub Groups: Special Education = 41.7% demonstrated proficiency African American = 67.7% demonstrated proficiency Economically Disadvantaged = 61.8% demonstrated proficiency

16 Objective for Goal #1 By 2016, 100% of all students will achieve proficiency on the State exit examination in mathematics Measurement Instrument 3 Year Benchmark (June 2012) 5 Year Benchmark (June 2014) 7 Year Benchmark (June 2016) NJASK8 (Proficient by Test Standard = 200) 83.4% (Total Population) 51.7% (SE) 74.8% (African Amer) 68.2% (ED) 91.7% (Total Population) 75.9% (SE) 87.4% (African Amer) 84.1% (ED) 100% (Total Population) 100% (SE) 100% (African Amer) 100% (ED) S-Test 9 (Proficient by Test Standard = 32; Proficient by BTHS Standard = 37) 78% (Total Population)89% (Total Population)100% (Total Population) S-Test 10 (Proficient by Test Standard = 22; Proficient by BTHS Standard = 27) 76.5% (Total Population)88.3% (Total Population)100% (Total Population) HSPA (Proficient by Test Standard = 200) 86.3% (Total Population) 61.1% (SE) 78.4% (African Amer) 74.5% (ED) 93.1% (Total Population) 80.5% (SE) 89.1% (African Amer) 87.2% (ED) 100% (Total Population) 100% (SE) 100% (African Amer) 100% (ED) End-of-Course Assessment Beginning with the Class of 2015?

17 Goal: By the year 2016, all students at Burlington Township High School will demonstrate increased academic proficiency in Language Arts Literacy as measured by: 100% of all students will achieve proficiency on the State exit examination in Language Arts Literacy Goals for Accreditation Action Plan for Goal #2

18 Baseline Data for Goal #2 Cohort 1: 2009 NJASK 8 = 91.5% of the student in the Class of 2013 demonstrated proficiency in LAL Sub Groups: Special Education = 42.3% demonstrated proficiency African American = 77.7% demonstrated proficiency Economically Disadvantaged = 73.1% demonstrated proficiency

19 Baseline Data for Goal #2 Cohort 2: 2009 S-Test 9 = 83.3% of the student in the Class of 2012 demonstrated proficiency in LAL Sub Groups: Special Education = % demonstrated proficiency African American = % demonstrated proficiency Economically Disadvantaged = % demonstrated proficiency

20 Baseline Data for Goal #2 Cohort 3: 2009 S-Test 10 = 85% of the student in the Class of 2011 demonstrated proficiency in LAL Sub Groups: Special Education = % demonstrated proficiency African American = % demonstrated proficiency Economically Disadvantaged = % demonstrated proficiency

21 Baseline Data for Goal #2 Cohort 4: 2009 HSPA = 92.4% of the students in the Class of 2010 demonstrated proficiency in LAL Sub Groups: Special Education = 36.1% demonstrated proficiency African American = 79.7% demonstrated proficiency Economically Disadvantaged = 70.6% demonstrated proficiency

22 Objective for Goal #2 By 2016, 100% of all students will achieve proficiency on the State exit examination in Language Arts Literacy Measurement Instrument 3 Year Benchmark (June 2012) 5 Year Benchmark (June 2014) 7 Year Benchmark (June 2016) NJASK8 (Proficient by Test Standard = 200) 94.3% (Total Population) 61.5% (SE) 85.1% (African Amer) 82.1% (ED) 97.1% (Total Population) 80.7% (SE) 92.5% (African Amer) 91.1% (ED) 100% (Total Population) 100% (SE) 100% (African Amer) 100% (ED) S-Test 9 (Proficient by Test Standard = 32; Proficient by BTHS Standard = 37) 88.9% (Total Population)94.5% (Total Population)100% (Total Population) S-Test 10 (Proficient by Test Standard = 28; Proficient by BTHS Standard = 33) 90% (Total Population)95% (Total Population)100% (Total Population) HSPA (Proficient by Test Standard = 200) 95% (Total Population) 57.4% (SE) 86.5% (African Amer) 80.4% (ED) 97.5% (Total Population) 78.7% (SE) 93.3% (African Amer) 90.2% (ED) 100% (Total Population) 100% (SE) 100% (African Amer) 100% (ED)

23 Goal: To develop and implement a technology plan for the 21 st century that best prepares our students for their post- secondary goals Goals for Accreditation Action Plan for Goal #3

24 Phase VI Tasks To Be Completed by the HS Administrative Team Hosting the Accreditation Team Accreditation Team Wiki

25 Phase VII Accreditation Action Task to be Completed by the Middle States Accreditation Team

26 Phase VIII Implementation of the Action Plan for Growth and Improvement Task to be Completed by the EBD Planning Committee and the HS Administrative Team

27 Middle States Accreditation EBD Welcome Reception Dinner October 19 at 6:00 PM BTHS Cafeteria Sunroom

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