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課程目的 了解 systematic clinical drug monitoring 的重要性與目的

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Presentation on theme: "課程目的 了解 systematic clinical drug monitoring 的重要性與目的"— Presentation transcript:

1 藥事執業技能:藥物相關問題之解決 Pharmacy Practice Skills: Drug-Related Problems Solving

2 課程目的 了解 systematic clinical drug monitoring 的重要性與目的
說明 SOAPing format 之組成及擷取藥事服務所需資訊 了解 patient case presentation 之結構及順序 學習以 SOAPing format 建立完整的合理用藥評估 藉案例學習,引導學生與指導老師充分互動 -重視討論的過程,而非結果

3 Systematic Clinical Drug Monitoring的重要性
The responsibility of a pharmacist to provide services in a consistent and complete manner The complexity of a patient’s health problems The comprehensible communication among health care professionals

4 The Purposes of Systematic Clinical Drug Monitoring
Determine that all of a patient’s drug therapy is the most appropriate, most effective, safest, and most convenient available. Identify any drug therapy problems (DTPs; DRPs) and the goal of therapy. Identify any drug therapy problems (DTPs) the patient is at risk of developing in the future that is to say, any drug therapy problems the pharmacist must help the patient to prevent in the future

5 Pharmaceutical Care Process

6 Problem-Oriented Approach
In 1964, Lawrence E Weed published the problem-oriented approach to medical records, patient care, and medical education. A systematic, disciplined approach to each patient is used No important therapeutic considerations are missed

7 Problem-Oriented Approach
Two main components Complete problem list Physical Psychological Social/financial SOAP notes Logical thinking process 連結理論和臨床, 並應用在醫療照顧 One visit one SOAP

8 POMR Problem Oriented Medical Record
Dr. Lawrence Weed 提出將病歷制式化的構想 POMR= Problem List (第 x 項) + 各個 SOAP Problem 1+ SOAP 1 Problem 2+ SOAP 2 … … Modified SOAP S O A (Problem 1, 2, …) P (Problem 1, 2, …)

9 教學大綱 課程目標 病歷之基本組成 From database to plan SOAPing format
Patient Case Presentation From database to plan 1. From data base to assessment (SOAP notes) 2. Assessment 3. From assessment to plan (Implentation) SOAPing format 案例說明 Daily SOAP note Oral case presentation

10 教學內容重點

11 實際指導學生實習-案例討論 課程準備 安排課程表-學習過程
準備內容教材(挑選主題, 範例, 實例, workbook, pharmacotherapy之參考依據) Disease Management Case Demo (ASHP’s PharmPrep 2001) Terry L. Schwinghammer pharmacotherapy Casebook 6th Ed. 課程分配 需多堂課 (10幾個小時) 漸進地介紹,才能完成 1. 上課解說 2小時 2. 範例說明 1小時 3. 學生實例演練 SOAPing format及討論 (2小時/次, 共 5-6次)

12 病歷之基本組成

13 病歷之基本組成 首頁 門診病歷 住院病歷 急診病歷

14 住院病歷 病歷摘要 (Discharge summary) 醫囑單 (一般 / 特殊 -TPN 及 C/T) TPR sheet
Admission note (內科及外科 / 一般或各專科病歷用紙) Progress note (SOAP format) 會診記錄 治療申請單 (X-ray, Cath, RT) 檢驗報告 (Lab data) 監測觀察記錄單 (GCS, APACHE II scale) 輸入輸出記錄表 / 膀胱訓練記錄表 手術記錄 給藥記錄 護理評估表/ 護理記錄 出院準備服務 個案篩選表 / 收案病患記錄表

15 Medication Administration Record (MAR)
Routine or maitenance Antibiotics, anticonvulsants P.R.N. Usually are listed at the end of the MAR Fever (if >38.5℃) Pain medication Antiemetics Sedative-hypnotic agents Stat (Statim, immediately) Administered once and not repeated unless recorded Given as soon as possible Prescribed in life-threatening or emergency situations One time order Given as soon as convenient and sometimes can be scheduled ahead of time C/T

16 住院日誌 Progress Note 目的 提醒每天病人發生了什麼事以及醫師目前的想法
精神-忠實記錄, 簡短(縮寫), 清晰易讀, 遵守常用習慣 重要性 對病患病程的演進,客觀的變化,醫師的判斷,臨床的因應做一個重要的記錄 對病患而言,這是他的”傳記”,是他一生最重要的記錄 對醫師而言,這是他訓練過程的”事證”,對自己的想法與做法留下記錄;也是醫師間溝通的工具 對醫療而言,是醫療的重點記錄,是疾病處理的基本依據,是繼續醫療的重要參考 對醫學而言,是人類醫學的重要資產,是醫學進步重要文獻 格式-SOAP format

17 常用縮寫 一般身體評估(身體診察) 疾病診斷 藥品及其用法 檢查名稱

18 推薦讀物 (入門) 醫護專用縮寫辭典 (杜武志 主編) 取材範圍廣泛 台大內科住院醫師醫療手冊 (楊汾池 總編)
醫, 牙, 藥, 護, 檢驗, 管理 疾病診斷, 理學檢查, 名稱, 病歷用語 台大內科住院醫師醫療手冊 (楊汾池 總編) 一般內科訓練 (primary care training) 綜論 (醫療實務要點, 各病房特殊檢查及術後照顧) 各論 (CV, GI, Nephro, Chest, Endo, Neuro, Rheuma, ID, Hema, Oncology) The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics 31ed. Clinical skills for pharmacists, A patient-focused approach. 2nd Ed. Karen J. Tietze, Mosby

19 Patient Case Presentation
The accepted tool for documenting and communicating patient information (suggested by Tietze, K.J.)

20 Components of the Patient Case Presentation
General information Chief complaint (CC) History of present illness (HPI) Past medical history (PMH) Medication history (MedHx) Family history (FH) Social history (SH) Review of systems (ROS) Physical examination (PE) Pertinent positive and negative laboratory and diagnostic test results (Labs) P’t problem list and initial plans P’t progress Discharge data Final diagnosis Discharge medications Plans for follow-up

21 Suggested Sequence for Presentation of Information
General information (Gen) Chief complaint (CC) History of present illness (HPI) Past medical history (PMH) Social history (SH) Family history (FH) Medication history (MedHx) Review of systems (ROS) Physical examination (PE) Laboratory and diagnostic test results (Lab) Problem list and initial plans (SOAP format) P’t progress to date

22 From database to plan Steps of Systematic Clinical Drug Monitoring
(suggested by Shao C, Chiang, Pharm.D., R.Ph.)

23 (Drug therapy problems )
Problem Conversion Medical problems (Dx) Medication problems (Drug therapy problems )

24 From Database to Plan 1.From data base to assessment SOAP notes
3.From assessment to plan (Implentation) Therapeutics planning-pharmacist Diagnostic Therapeutic (Prescription) Educational (p’t) Monitoring

25 1.From data base to assessment (SOAP notes)
At admission (new p’t)

26 SOAPing Database CC HPI PMH FH SH Med Hx Compliance Allergies ROS PE
Lab tests X-ray Scans Procedure SOAP notes Problem list numbered acuity/priority Resolved / inactive SOAP notes Implementation of plan diagnostic therapeutic educational (p’t) Follow-up of progress

27 2. Assessment At admission (new p’t)

28 Interpret the Findings in Terms of the Probable Process
Pathological process Congenital / Inflammatory Immunological / Neoplastic Metabolic / Nutritional Degenerative / Vascular Traumatic / Toxic Pathophysiological Psychopathophysiological Drug-related

29 Make One or More Hypotheses about the Nature of the Patient’s Problem
Select the most specific and central findings around which to construct your hypothesis. Match your findings against all the conditions you know that can produce them. Eliminate the diagnostic possibilities that fail to explain the findings. Weigh the competing possibilities and select the most likely diagnosis from among the conditions that might be responsible for the patient’s findings Give special attention to potentially life-threatening and treatable conditions

30 3.From assessment to plan (Implentation) Therapeutics planning
At admission (new p’t)

31 Components of Therapeutics Planning
* Regimens- initial & alternative

32 The Planning Process Problem identification
Identification of subjective and objective parameters Grouping of related parameters Assessment of the parameters and determination of specific p’t problems Problem prioritization: Identify active and acute problems Selection of specific therapeutic regimens Creation of a list of therapeutic options Elimination of drugs from the list based on p’t-specific and external factors Selection of dosage, route, and duration of therapy Identification of alternative therapeutic regimens Creation of a monitoring plan Monitoring and modification of the regimens as necessary

33 Common Subjective Parameters
Anxiety Bloating Blood-tinged sputum Blurred vision Breast tenderness Chills Cold intolerance Confusion Constipation Cramps Decreased appetite Depression Diarrhea Difficulty concentrating Dry skin Dysuria Fatigue Flatulence Headache Heartburn Heat intolerance Impotence Indigestion Insomnia Itching Joint pain Loss of appetite Loss of libido Muscle aches Muscle weakness Nasal congestion Nasal itching Nausea Nervousness Numbness Pain Palpitations Pounding pulse Rash Seizures Shortness of breath Slurred speech Sneezing Sore throat Syncope Thirst Tingling Tinnitus Tremor Vertigo Weakness Wheezing

34 Common Objective Parameters
BH and BW Vital signs BT, BP, HR, RR Blood chemistries Na, K , Cl, CO2, Glu, Scr, AST, ALT, Bil, Ca, Mg, CHL, TG, Alk-P, LDH, UA, BUN Blood gases pH, Pco2, Pco2, HCO3- Blood protein Total protein, albumin, complements, immunoglobulins Hematolog Hb, Hct, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RBC, WBC DC Urinalysis Sp. gr, cellular content, protein Cultures and sensitivites Blood, urine, sputum, tissue Serum blood concentrations Specific organ system tests PEFR, FEV1, FVC , FEV1/FVC, EF, T3, T4, TSH, Clcr Miscellaneous U/O, abd girth, no. of loose stools/day, I/O

35 Factors to Consider when Selecting a Specific Therapeutic Regimen
Patient-specific factors What regimens have effectively managed the problem in the past? What regimens have not effectively managed the problem in the past? How might other patient problems influence the proposed regimen? How might the proposed regimen influence other patient problems? External factors Current “state of the art” therapeutics Cost of the proposed therapv Formulary limitations

36 Guidelines for Altering Initial Drug Therapy
If the regimen is ineffective, change the drug if the following are true The patient received an adequate trial of the drug The patient received an adequate dosage of the drug The patient is compliant If the regimen is associated with life-threatening side effects, discontinue the drug If the patient is not complying with regimen because of unacceptable side effects, discontinue the drug If the patient has non-life-threatening side effects and is willing to continue the drug, minimize the side effects by doing the following: Adjust the dosage of the drug Change the timing of the dose

37 3.From assessment to plan (Implentation) Monitoring
At admission (new p’t)

38 Patient-Focused Care Cycle A Never-Ending Cycle
Data acquisition and assessment Problem identification and prioritization Therapeutic planning Patient monitoring Patient-Focused Care Cycle A Never-Ending Cycle

39 The Process of Monitoring Therapeutic Regimens
Set therapeutic goals Determine patient- and drug-specific monitoring parameters Integrate the monitoring plan Obtain data Assess the response to therapy Alter the therapeutic regimen if necessary Repeat Step 1-6

40 Organization of Monitoring Parameters (The Four-Square Method)
Subjective-Therapeutic Subjective-Toxic expected therapeutic outcome indicating therapeutic failure or harm Objective-Therapeutic Objective-Toxic

41 Steps of systematic clinical drug monitoring at inpatient setting
Hospital stay (old p’t)

42 Hospital Stay Daily SOAP note Daily drug monitoring
Each problem has its own SOAP note. The subjective and objective data should include the values of drug monitoring parameters. All problems should be assessed and planed, unless the problem has been resolved Daily drug monitoring

43 Real Practice Setting With time and practice, the process of assessing patient therapy and prioritizing the need to make an intervention becomes second nature and does not require a concerted effort to mentally check off each step after it has been performed. Setting priority about which patients require more in-depth intervention.

44 SOAPing format

45 SOAPing Format SOAPing A formal organizationl structure Steps
The process of identifying the subjective and objective data, assessing the problem, and developing a specific therapeutic and monitoring plan A formal organizationl structure Steps Creation of a list of related subjective parameters Creation of a list of related objective parameters Assessment and documentation of the problem Documentation of the therapeutic plan for addressing the problem

46 Thinking Process Tips Problem identification Desired outcome
Therapeutic alternatives Optimal plan Outcome evaluation Patient education

47 Problem List Current medical problems Goal of therapy
Measurable endpoint

48 SOAPing Format USC School of Pharmacy Kathleen Besinque Pharm D, MS Ed

49 Current Drug-Therapy Problems
Subjective and Objective Problem (subjective and objective) Current medication S: CC: Pertinent medical Hx:(HPI / PMH) ROS: SH: FH: Allergies: ADR: Drugs OTCs Herbal O: (PE /Labs)

50 Current Drug-Therapy Problems
Assessment Etiology (or risk factors) Evaluate need for therapy; evaluate current therapy (Evidence need for therapy evaluation) Drug therapy problem 1 CPG1 Class of drugs Drug therapy problem 2 CPG2 Drug therapy problem 3 CGP3

51 Current Drug-Therapy Problems
Plan Recommended drug treatment, drug to be revised, further test Goal and monitoring parameters (toxic and therapeutic) Patient education Recommend 1 Item of drugs Goal 1 Therapeutic Toxic Education 1 Recommend 2 Goal 2 Education 2 Recommend 3 Goal 3 Education 3

52 (Drug therapy problems)
Problem Conversion Medical problems (Dx) Medication problems (Drug therapy problems)

53 教學時遭遇的困難與處理

54 教學時遭遇的困難與處理 (1) 藥師指導 clinical drug monitoring 及 case presentation 之技巧有差異 參與醫院藥學實習指導師資認證訓練課程 閱讀病歷抓不到 (困難擷取)藥事服務所需資訊 Medical problem (Dx) Medication problems (Drug therapy problems) 病歷上少有藥師的記錄或看到daily SOAP note 持續練習就能習慣 如何釣魚需由作中去領悟

55 教學時遭遇的困難與處理 (2) 教學過程多是由指導藥師來告訴答案 藥師在藥事服務介入的時間多於學生 報告時間的壓力 學生常是事到臨頭才要做
學生難於確認那麼多Drug therapy problems 臨床教學模式 常是糾正學生的錯誤, 解釋處理Drug therapy problems的原則 已修過藥物治療學 / 臨床藥學課程者再實習 病案報告非 concurrent case 藥師需作調劑工作 藥師未全程參與病患照護 難了解醫師對藥師意見的接受度及藥師建議的可行性

56 結論 Problem oriented drug monitoring 有清晰的邏輯思考
可解決複雜的Drug therapy problems 本課程是建立思考邏輯 沒有絕對標準的答案 引導學生/藥師的指導藥師-很重要

57 Case Example(案例說明) Hypertension

58 課程目標(HTN) Establish goals for the treatment of HTN.
Choose appropriate lifestyle modifications and anti-HTN based on patient-specific characteristis and concurrent disease states. Design appropriate monitoring plans for pts receiving anti-HTN therapy, including laboratory parameters and time intervals. Modify pharmacotherapeutic regimens for pts who experience adverse events or do not have adequate BP reduction on an initial regimen. Provide appropriate patient education for anti-HTN regimens.

59 Patient General Information (Gen) 病患基本資料
Patient name: 王先生 Chart no: xxxxxxxx (Bed no: xxxx-x) Address: 台南市信義路 Age: 79 Height: 175 cm Sex: M Marriage status: married Weight: 95.4kg Allergies: NKDA Date of admission (DOA) : yy mm dd

60 Chief Complaint (CC) 病患主訴病情
王先生 is 79-yo male seen in the ED with respiratory distress with severe dyspnea and wheezing.

61 History of Present Illness (HPI) 發生現在疾病之病程
王先生 was coming home from the grocery store when he became short of breath and wheezing carrying in his groceries. He could only say a couple words between breaths. His neighbor noticed him in distress and called 911. 王先生 experienced severe shortness of breath 6 months ago and was hospitalized for acute severe asthma.

62 Past Medical History (PMH) 過去病史
Diagnosis with asthma approximately 20 years ago, rheumatoid arthritis about 5 years ago, and benign prostatic hyperplasia last year. Patient using a herbal product to treat his benign prostatic hyperplasia. Admitted to hospital 3 times in the past 2 years for exacerbation of asthma. Previous office visit 5 weeks ago, documented a blood pressure reading of 150/95 mmHg.

63 Social History (SH) 個人生活史
Tobacco use: 1/2 pack/week Alcohol use: Six pack per week Caffeine use: 2 Cups of coffee every morning

64 Family History (FH) 家族病史
Mother died of an MI at age 68. Father died of lung cancer at age 75.

65 Medication Record (Prescription and OTC) (MedHx)用藥史
Furosemide 40 mg po q AM Albuterol inhaler 2 puffs qid prn Beclomethasone inhaler 1 puff qid Ibuprofen 800 mg po tid Herbal product with licorice po qd Acetaminophen po prn

66 Review of Systems (ROS) 現有疾病或問題 (HPI 除外)
Wheezing and coughing

67 Physical Examination (PE) 身體診察
VS: BP 160/100 mmHg HR 120 beats/min RR 31 rpm T 38.5℃ Ht 175 cm BW 95.4 kg BMI 31.2 (95.4/1.75x1.75) CHEST: Expiratory wheezes

68 Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests (Labs) 檢驗數據及檢查報告
Potassium 3.8 mEq/L Sodium 145 mEq/L Serum creatinine 1 mg/dL FBG 100 mg/dL Total cholesterol 200 mg/dL HDL 35 mg/dL RBC 4.7 cells/mm3 Hgb 15 g/dL Hct 44% PH 7.40 PaO2 55 mmHg PaCO2 40 mmHg

69 Diagnosis 診斷 Primary: 1)Asthma 2)Hypertension Secondary:
1)Benign prostatic hyperplasia 2)Rheumatoid arthritis Problem list

70 Problem List Current medical problems Goal of therapy
Measurable endpoint Primary: 1)Asthma Symptom control Prevent asthma episodes or attacks PEFR No DOE, SOB, PND 2)Hypertension Prevent CHD, Stroke and Nephropathy BP Secondary: 1)BPH DRE (digital rectal exam) UFR (urine flow rate) 2)RA Improve QOL Arrest or retard disease progress Swollen & tender joints RF, ESR, ANA, CBC X-Ray

71 Current Drug-Therapy Problems
Subjective and Objective Problem (subjective and objective) Current medication S: Pertinent medical Hx:Asthma x 20 yrs; RA x 5 yrs; BPH x 1yr ago; HTN x 5wks ROS: respiratory distress with severe dyspnea ; wheezing and coughing Tobacco use: 0.5 pack/week ; alcohol use: 6 pack / week ; caffeine use: 2 cups of coffee every morning Use a herbal product to treat his BPH Furosemide 40 mg po q AM Albuterol inhaler 2 puffs qid prn Beclomethasone inhaler 1 puff qid Ibuprofen 800 mg po tid Herbal product with licorice po qd Acetaminophen po prn O: 175cm , 95.4kg HR:120 BP:160/100 RR:31 T38.5℃ Expiratory wheezes PH 7.40; PaO2 55; PaCO2 40 Admitted to hospital 3 times/past 2 yrs for AE of asthma BP 150/95 mmHg previous office visit 5 wks ago

72 Current Drug-Therapy Problems
Assessment Etiology (or risk factors) Evaluate need for therapy; evaluate current therapy (Evidence need for therapy evaluation) AE of asthma Primary therapies for AE (most safely undertaken in a hospital or hospital-based ER) Repetitive administration of rapid-acting inhaled β2-agonist Early introduction of systemic glucocorticosteroids Oxygen supplementation Closely monitor response to treatment with serial measures of lung function Inadequate response to treatment for HTN D/C herbal product with licorice ( has been shown to have an aldosterone-like action) Both ibuprofen and licorice can cause an inadequate response to HTN therapy If BP remains elevated, the clinician should consider initiating anα-blocker Inadequate BPH treatment The preferred therapy for this pt may be α-blockers (the favorable effects on prostatism and dyslipidemia-decrease LDL-C and increase HDL-C Postural hypotension is commonly experienced withα-1 blockers because of the direct action The “first-dose phenomenon ” is characterized by transient dizziness,faintness, palpitations, and syncopy occurring within 3 hrs of the first dose.

73 Current Drug-Therapy Problems
Plan Recommended drug treatment, drug to be revised, further test Goal and monitoring parameters (toxic and therapeutic) Patient education IV methylprednisolone mg or Hydrocortisone mg ; or oral prednisolone mg/kg for 7-10 days Decrease symptom PEFR (GINA 2004) Report any  in SOB, DOE, PND Techniques in use of medications Smoking cessation D/C herbal product with licorice BP check daily BP in 1wk < 140/ 90 (JNC VIII) Teach pt how to self measurement of BP Remind pt that home measurement device should be checked regularly for accuracy Lifestyle modification recommendations (5 modifications) Usual dose : Prazosin 2-30 mg ,bid-tid Terazosin 1-20 mg ,qd-bid Doxazosin 1-16mg ,qd (first dose at hs) (bladder outlet obstruction, postvoid residual urine volume, reverse urinary retention / RI May be avoided by having the pt take the first dose and/or the first increase in dose at bedtime

74 尾端 Un Clos (A Close)-塞尚 Cezanne 1890
謝謝聆聽 敬請指教

75 時間分配 9:20 ~ 10:50 分組討論與演練 10:50 ~ 12:00 各組心得分享
9:20 ~ 10:50 分組討論與演練 10:50 ~ 12:00 各組心得分享 第一組報告 10:50 – 11:00 ~ Type 2 DM--initiate OADs in a newly diagnosed DM patients 第二組報告 11:00 – 11:10 ~ Hypertension--inappropriate drug of choice and inadequate BP control for HTN 第三組報告 11:10 – 11:20 ~ Hyperlipidemia--initiate lipid lowing agents for a patient with high CV risks 第四組報告 11:20 – 11:30 ~ Obesity, metabolic syndrome--pharmacotherapy of obesity and metabolic syndrome 第五組報告 11:30 – 11:40 ~ 案例各問題補充報告 第六組報告 11:40 – 11:50 ~ SOAP格式心得報告 11:50 ~ 12:00 輔導員分享

76 其他注意事項 雖然有主題報告,仍有學員不熟悉SOAP,有時需解釋並分辨哪些屬於"S"、哪些屬於"O"、哪些屬於"A"、哪些屬於"P",請在課程報告中詳述佐以實例說明。 學員大部分都很怕講錯,一定要讓學員了解,課程是要訓練他們熟悉寫SOAP的思考模式和流程,所以上課時不要太在意所提出的"PLAN"對不對,而輔導員或主持人在講評時也儘量針對SOAP本身就好(除非真的建議的內容太離譜啦~)。 雖然練習的個案資料內容很豐富,但是要提醒學員在實際臨床時,有些資料不是光靠病歷閱讀來取得,尤其是針對藥物的部分(過去用藥史,有病史為何未用藥?...等等)。 善用手冊的SOAP表單,更能掌控A、P呈現的重點。 註:請參考輔導員帶領小組討論的技巧與注意事項

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