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One for the Record Books A nonfiction text by Maureen Mecozzi.

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Presentation on theme: "One for the Record Books A nonfiction text by Maureen Mecozzi."— Presentation transcript:

1 One for the Record Books A nonfiction text by Maureen Mecozzi

2 Recognition n. Acknowledgement of an achievement, service, or contribution A recognition ceremony was planned for students that earned the highest honors for the school.

3 Scale v. Climb up or over (something high and steep). It seems crazy to scale a mountain without any safety equipment.

4 Superlatives adj. A thing that excels all others or is of the highest quality. Many famous people in our history such as Babe Ruth and Oprah Winfrey are considered superlatives in their field of excellence.

5 Extraordinary adj. Going beyond what is usual or regular. Peter Parker needed extraordinary abilities to become Spiderman and climb the sides of buildings.

6 Standards n. An accepted example of something against which others are judged. The standards for homework are very high in fifth grade. Complete sentences are required for all assignments.

7 Rival n. A person or group who is competing for the same object or goal as another. Rival restaurants compete for customers with different specials.

8 Contested v. To call into question and take an active stand against or challenge. The coach contested the referee’s call during the end of the game.

9 Interplanetary adj. Occurring between planets. The interplanetary ship traveled quickly between Earth and Mars, completing the trip in less than a week.

10 Unsuspecting adj. Not suspicious, trusting Hansel and Gretel approached the unsuspecting candy house with eagerness. They didn’t know what trouble waited for them.

11 Reduced v. To bring down in amount, size, or quantity. We reduced the amount of trash we produced by recycling.

12 Hypersensitivity n. Excessively or highly sensitive. The girl’s hypersensitivity to flowers made her nose run all the time.

13 Aided V. To help or give assistance. Guide dogs have aided many people in the United States since they were first introduced in the late 1920’s. Photos from The Jersey Journal View New Jersey News, Community, Sports, Weather Images & Pictures Seeing Eye dogs visit Huber Street School in Secaucus

14 Awareness n. To bring attention to. Football players wear pink in October to raise breast cancer awareness.

15 Technique n. The way of doing something. The Gabby Douglas’s technique was superior to others and she won the gold medal at the 2012 Summer Olympics.

16 Transplant v. To move from one location to another. Doctors worked quickly to transplant the new tissue to the patient.

17 Donation n. The act of giving or contributing. After cleaning my room, I made a donation of toys that I don’t play with anymore to Goodwill.

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