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LEADERSHIP MODELSLEADERSHIP MODELS The Trait Model The Behavior Model Fiedler’s Contingency Model  House’s Path Goal Theory  Transformational Leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "LEADERSHIP MODELSLEADERSHIP MODELS The Trait Model The Behavior Model Fiedler’s Contingency Model  House’s Path Goal Theory  Transformational Leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEADERSHIP MODELSLEADERSHIP MODELS The Trait Model The Behavior Model Fiedler’s Contingency Model  House’s Path Goal Theory  Transformational Leadership  Transactional Leadership

2 HOUSE’S PATH-GOAL THEORYHOUSE’S PATH-GOAL THEORY How leaders motivate employees to accomplish designated goals. Goal: To increase employee performance and satisfaction

3 EXPECTANCY THEORY OF MOTIVATIONEXPECTANCY THEORY OF MOTIVATION People are motivated when they believe… EFFORTOUTCOMERESULTS More effort will lead to positive results These results will lead to a reward The reward is valuable to me

4 MOTIVATIONAL ROLE OF LEADERSMOTIVATIONAL ROLE OF LEADERS Leaders must demonstrate that 1.Efforts will produce positive results 2.Results will lead to favorable rewards 3.The rewards are valuable

5 BASIC PREMISES OF PG THEORYBASIC PREMISES OF PG THEORY Leadership generates motivation when: 1.The rewards are attainable and meaningful

6 BASIC PREMISES OF PG THEORYBASIC PREMISES OF PG THEORY Leadership generates motivation when: 2.The path to goals is clear and easy to navigate

7 BASIC PREMISES OF PG THEORYBASIC PREMISES OF PG THEORY Leadership generates motivation when: 3.The style of leadership matches the situation

8 DIRECTIVE LEADERDIRECTIVE LEADER Acts in an authoritative manner, giving employees specific directions and clear expectations Gives strict expectations Creates clear rules and regulations Sets performance goals and behavior standards

9 SUPPORTIVE LEADERSUPPORTIVE LEADER Cares about employees’ well-being; has a friendly and approachable demeanor Provides emotional support Makes work environment pleasant Treats employees as equals

10 PARTICIPATIVE LEADERPARTICIPATIVE LEADER Invites employees to share in the decision-making process Consults with employees Seeks ideas & opinions Respects ideas

11 ACHIEVEMENT-ORIENTED LEADERACHIEVEMENT-ORIENTED LEADER Challenges employees to perform at the highest level possible Sets high standards and goals Seeks continuous improvement Shows confidence in employees’ ability to achieve goals

12 WHICH TO CHOOSE?WHICH TO CHOOSE? Most effective leadership style depends on two groups of contingency variables: environmental factorsindividual factors Goal: choose the style of leadership which will be most effective in specific situations and with specific types of employees.


14 CONCLUSION: PG THEORY MAIN POINTS Pave a clear path toward goal achievement Choose the most appropriate style of leadership Effective leaders:

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